UglifyJS意外令牌:关键字«const»-Webpack 4 Babel 7

时间:2019-07-26 09:04:55

标签: javascript reactjs babeljs webpack-4 uglifyjs




ERROR   意外的令牌:关键字«const»[./src/utils/Constants.js:1,0][bundle.js:228154,0]


const path = require('path');
const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require("mini-css-extract-plugin");
const OptimizeCSSAssetsPlugin = require("optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin");
const UglifyJsPlugin = require("uglifyjs-webpack-plugin");
const bourbon = require('node-bourbon').includePaths;
const webpack = require('webpack');
const autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer');
const BrowserSyncPlugin = require('browser-sync-webpack-plugin');
const CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');

const HOST = process.env.HOST || 'localhost';
const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000;
const PROXY = `http://${HOST}:${PORT}`;

const config = {
    entry: ["core-js/stable", "regenerator-runtime/runtime", "./src/index.js"],
    output: {
        filename: 'bundle.js',
        path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'build'),
        publicPath: '/'
    module: {
        rules: [{
                test: /.(jsx|js)?$/,
                exclude: [
                    path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules'),
                loader: 'babel-loader',
                options: {
                    "presets": [
                                "targets": {
                                    "node": "current"
                    "plugins": [
                        ["@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators", { "legacy": true }],
                        ["@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties", { "loose": true }],
                test: /.(css|scss|sass)$/,
                use: [
                        loader: 'postcss-loader',
                        options: {
                            plugins: [
                    }, 'sass-loader?includePaths[]=' + bourbon,
                test: /\.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif|svg)(\?v=[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9])?$/,
                use: 'url-loader?limit=10000&name=img/[hash].[ext]'
                test: /\.(ttf|ttc|eot|otf|woff|woff2)(\?v=[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9])?$/,
                use: 'url-loader?limit=10000&name=fonts/[hash].[ext]'

    resolve: {
        extensions: ['.json', '.js', '.jsx', '.css'],
    devtool: 'source-map',
    devServer: {
        historyApiFallback: true,
        host: HOST,
        port: PORT,
    plugins: [
        new MiniCssExtractPlugin({
            filename: './css/style.css',
            chunkFilename: "[id].css"
        new webpack.LoaderOptionsPlugin({
            options: {
                postcss: [
        new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
            $: "jquery",
            jQuery: "jquery",
            "window.jQuery": "jquery"
        new BrowserSyncPlugin({
            // browse to http://localhost:3000/ during development,
            // ./public directory is being served
            host: HOST,
            port: PORT,
            proxy: PROXY

        new CopyWebpackPlugin([{
                from: './*.html',
                to: './',
                context: 'public/'
                from: './*.ico',
                to: './',
                context: 'public/'
                from: './img/**/*',
                to: './',
                context: 'public/'
                from: './fonts/**/*',
                to: './',
                context: 'public/'
                from: './js/**/*',
                to: './',
                context: 'public/'
        ], {
            copyUnmodified: true
    optimization: {
        minimizer: [
            new UglifyJsPlugin({
                cache: true,
                parallel: true,
                sourceMap: true // set to true if you want JS source maps
            new OptimizeCSSAssetsPlugin({})
    performance: {
        hints: false
    } // Bundle warnings
module.exports = config;

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