
时间:2019-07-25 15:03:38

标签: python html flask

我是flask / python的新手。我正在为我们的客户建立一个门户,他们可以登录并上传其财务文件。有一个预定义的架构,可为客户映射财务项目。例如,所有与“现金”相关的帐户都将被简单地映射为“现金”。





下载测试数据的链接:https://wetransfer.com/downloads/fd9ee239593d8539fea2ba29e0a304a120190725150028/87bd98 -test.xlsx仅具有预定义的帐户 -test_modify.xlsx有一些新帐户

import pandas as pd
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, render_template, send_file, make_response
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

app = Flask(__name__)

def home():
    return render_template("homepage.html")

@app.route("/file", methods=['POST'])
def process():
    test_bs = pd.read_excel(request.files.get('test_bs'))

# Defining schemas for the accounts
    Cash = ['Petty cash','RBC USD']
    Debt = ['Visa Card 7123 - Warren','Paul CDN Visa','Warren CDN Visa']
    Retained_Earnings = ['Retained earnings','Profit for the year']
    chart_dict = {'Cash': Cash,'Debt':Debt,'Retained Earnings': Retained_Earnings}

# Mapping items
    test_bs['mapping'] =None
    for item in test_bs['Account Description']:
        for value in list(chart_dict.keys()):
            if item in chart_dict.get(value):
                test_bs['mapping'][test_bs.index[test_bs['Account Description'] == item]] = value
    result_df = test_bs.to_html(classes='data')
    new_account = list(test_bs['Account Description'][test_bs['mapping'].isnull()])

# Check if there are any new accounts in the financial statement

    if new_account != None:
        new_dict ={}
        for item in new_account:
            # Client defining schema
            entry = input(str(item)+": ")
            new_dict[entry] = item
        for i in new_dict:
            for u in chart_dict:
                if i==u:
        test_bs['mapping'] =None
        for item in test_bs['Account Description']:
            for value in list(chart_dict.keys()):
                if item in chart_dict.get(value):
                    test_bs['mapping'][test_bs.index[test_bs['Account Description'] == item]] = value
        result_df = test_bs.to_html(classes='data')
        return result_df
        return result_df

if __name__ == '__main__':
    port = 5000
<!DOCTYPE html>

    body {
        background-color: #202322;
        color: white


    <a href="/">


    <form method="POST" enctype=multipart/form-data action="file">
    <label for="scoring" class="btn btn-primary btn-block btn-outlined">test_bs</label>
    <input type=file name=test_bs id="test_bs">
    <button id="submit-button">Process data</button>


我的问题是input()函数(行:entry = input(str(item)+“:”))在服务器端而不是浏览器上提示数据输入操作。有人可以告诉我如何做到这一点吗?

P / s:如果有人注意到明显的方法可以更好地编写我的代码,请随时提出建议。谢谢

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