
时间:2019-07-24 19:47:39

标签: c++ file io ifstream

我正在尝试使用ifstream从.txt文件中读取一些数据,以便将其传递到我创建的类的值中。此函数在类的内部,因此不会在函数的顶部声明整数。 ifstream适用于我读入的前几个值,但是它在其中一行中随机抛出异常(我不知道为什么)。每隔一段时间(好像是​​50分之一),流将正常工作。


int parameters::readParameters() {

ifstream in_stream;
string paramFile = "data/Parameter.txt";
string label;
string option;

// read in file

// file isn't opened
if (in_stream.fail()) {
    cerr << "\nFailed opening Parameter.txt\n";
    return 1;

// read non data line
in_stream >> label;

// figure out objective
int optionPicker = 0;
int numOptions = 4;
for (int i = 1; i <= numOptions; i++) {
    in_stream >> label >> option;
    if (option == "Y") optionPicker = i;

if (optionPicker == 1) obj = minAvgBid;
else if (optionPicker == 2) obj = maxFirstBid;
else if (optionPicker == 3) obj = maxFithOrBettterBid;
else if (optionPicker == 4) obj = maxNumFivePerTeam;
else obj = none;

// read non data line
in_stream >> label;


The Error occurs directly after this comment


// read upper bounds
in_stream >> label >> maxNumProj;
in_stream >> label >> worstRanking;

// read non data line
in_stream >> label;

// read lower bounds
in_stream >> label >> minNumFiveTeam;
in_stream >> label >> minNumFirstBid;
in_stream >> label >> minNumFifthBid;

// read non data line
in_stream >> label;

// read english options
int english;
in_stream >> label >> english;
if (english == 1) engOpt = option1;
else if (english == 2) engOpt = option2;
else if (english == 3) engOpt = option3;
else if (english == 4) engOpt = option4;

// read native english
string nativeEng;
in_stream >> label >> nativeEng;
if (nativeEng == "Y") native = choice1;
else native = choice2;

// read non data line
in_stream >> label;

// read solution number
in_stream >> label >> solNum;

//if (checkParameters() == 1) return 1;


cout << "Parameters Read!" << endl;

return 0;

-----------------------------输入文件---------------- ------------

Min_avg_bid Y
Max_first_bid N
Max_fifth_bid N
Max_five_teams N
UB_num_proj 60
UB_bid 10
LB_5_teams 0                       <- the error occurs on this line
LB_first_bid 0
LB_fifth_bid 0
English_Option 2
Native_English_Lowest Y
Solution_Number 20


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