y = InputBox("input the year you want to look at")
m = InputBox("input the number of the month you want to look at (ie 12 for december)")
For i = 2 To LastRow("Report Data")
If RptSheet.Cells(i, index("Duration")).Value <> "—" And RptSheet.Cells(i, index("Duration")).Value > 0 And RptSheet.Cells(i, index("Duration")).Value < 125 Then
If Year(RptSheet.Cells(i, index("Del.Date WKU"))) = y And Month(RptSheet.Cells(i, index("Del.Date WKU"))) = m Then
ReDim Preserve arr(1 To j)
arr(j) = RptSheet.Cells(i, index("Serial Number")).Value
ReDim Preserve dur(1 To j)
dur(j) = RptSheet.Cells(i, index("Duration")).Value
j = j + 1
End If
End If
Next i