
时间:2019-07-21 19:22:09

标签: python python-curses

我正在使用curses库在python中为终端创建Link to code游戏。每当未按任何键时, for (const [puppet, difficulty] of puppets) { for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { runPuppet(puppet, { difficulty, newGame: !!i }); } } 都会返回错误。




(上面的代码运行良好,但是在import random import time import curses from apple_season.basket import Basket from apple_season.apple import Apple from apple_season.coords import Canvas def main(stdscr): curses.curs_set(1) # so i can see where the cursor is dims = [curses.COLS - 1, curses.LINES - 1] # pylint: disable=no-member stdscr.nodelay(True) stdscr.leaveok(True) key="" stdscr.clear() canvas = Canvas(*dims) basket = Basket(canvas) apples = [] i = 0 def finished_apples(): if len(apples) <= 100: return False else: for apple in apples: if not apple.has_fallen: return False return True while not finished_apples(): if len(apples) <= 100: # don't make more if there are already 100 # decide whether or not to create new apple (1/100 chance per frame) num = random.randint(0, 100) if num == 25: apples.append(Apple(canvas)) try: key = stdscr.getkey() stdscr.clear() # pick up keyboard inputs # quit option if str(key) == "q": break # right arrow elif str(key) == "KEY_RIGHT": basket.move('right') # left arrow elif str(key) == "KEY_LEFT": basket.move('left') except Exception: pass # render objects - alters canvas to display them for apple in apples: if apple.has_fallen: apple.render() else: if '.0' not in str(i / 2): # check if i is even (drop every other frame) apple.fall() apple.render() basket.render() try: stdscr.addstr(canvas.display) except Exception: pass stdscr.refresh() i += 1 time.sleep(0.01) if __name__ == "__main__": curses.wrapper(main) 不起作用时(即在没有按键的情况下,它什么也不做)



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我将stdscr.clear()放在try和except块中,这使得该代码仅在按下键时才执行,因此由于我试图一次显示多个帧而使终端溢出。 / p>