movieId meanRate genre tag popular-rank
1 4.8 action superhero 4
结果:Recommend: 1 for yes, and 0 for no
***要求用户输入。例如,genre = music , tag = documentation
The actual training:
[ 4 horror adult 3 ] = [ 1 ]
[ 4.2 music black hole 6 ] = [ 1 ]
[ 4.4 action foreign 6 ] = [ 0 ]
[ 3.7 music documentation 9 ] = [ 1 ]
[ 3 music twist 9 ] = [ 0 ]
[4.8 action superhero 4 ] = [ ??? ]
我的问题是: 1 /是否可以使用这种方法?
*** criteria for training: if popular-rank < 3 => yes
else if meanRate >= 4 && favGenre == true => yes
else if meanRate > 4 && favGenre == false => no
else if meanRate < 4 && favGenre == true && favTag == true => yes
else if meanRate < 4 && favGenre == true && favTag == false => no