我得到一个FileNotFOund(Errno 2),每当我运行脚本时都没有这样的文件或目录回溯。我希望该脚本复制目标文件,并在其上附加时间戳,但它似乎无法正常工作。 / p>
# Get Current date from datetime module
today = datetime.datetime.now()
strToday = today.strftime('%x')
# If today is the 1st of the month, archive WIP reports
if today.day == today.day:
# Archives the Wip Status file with timestamp
shutil.copy('//kiccmth01/mountainhome/FC Production/FC B-Board/FC
Metalize/Auto Wip Status.xlsx',
'//kiccmth01/mountainhome/FC Production/FC B-Board/FC
Metalize/WIP Archive/Auto Wip Status {}.xlsx'.format(strToday))
# Archives the Wip Clean Room file with timestamp
shutil.copy('//kiccmth01/mountainhome/FC Production/FC B-Board/FC
Metalize/Wip Clean Room.xlsx',
'//kiccmth01/mountainhome/FC Production/FC B-Board/FC
Metalize/WIP Archive/Wip Clean Room {}.xlsx'.format(strToday))
回溯(最近通话最近): 文件“ C:\ Users \ collin.reilly \ Documents \ Python Scripts \ WIP Update \ WIP_Update.py”,第22行,在 '// kiccmth01 / mountainhome / FC Production / FC B-Board / FC Metalize / WIP Archive / Auto Wip Status {} .xlsx'.format(strToday)) 文件“ C:\ Users \ collin.reilly \ AppData \ Local \ Programs \ Python \ Python37 \ lib \ shutil.py”,行263,在copy2中 复制文件(src,dst,follow_symlinks = follow_symlinks) 复制文件中的文件“ C:\ Users \ collin.reilly \ AppData \ Local \ Programs \ Python \ Python37 \ lib \ shutil.py”,第121行 使用open(dst,'wb')作为fdst: FileNotFoundError:[错误2]没有这样的文件或目录:'// kiccmth01 / mountainhome / FC Production / FC B-Board / FC Metalize / WIP Archive / Auto Wip Status 07/19 / 19.xlsx'