我正在开发Xamarin Mobile App使用的Web API。 Web API用于使用Microsoft Cognitive Services将语音转换为文本。该方法的输入是字节数组,它是一个简短的语音。我需要将其转换为文本并返回到移动应用
尝试了一些Speech SDK示例,但它们对我的要求没有帮助。
//In API Method
public static async Task TranslateSpeechFromFileToText(byte[] bytes)
string fromLanguage = "en-US";
var config = SpeechTranslationConfig.FromSubscription("My Subscriber key", "region");
config.SpeechRecognitionLanguage = fromLanguage;
var stopTranslation = new TaskCompletionSource<int>();
StringBuilder opt = new StringBuilder();
using (var audioInput = Helper.getConfigFromBytes(bytes))
using (var recognizer = new TranslationRecognizer(config, audioInput))
var result = await recognizer.RecognizeOnceAsync();
public class Helper
public static AudioConfig OpenWavFile(string filename)
BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(filename));
return OpenWavFile(reader);
public static AudioConfig OpenWavFile(BinaryReader reader)
AudioStreamFormat format = readWaveHeader(reader);
return AudioConfig.FromStreamInput(new BinaryAudioStreamReader(reader), format);
public static AudioStreamFormat readWaveHeader(BinaryReader reader)
// Tag "RIFF"
char[] data = new char[4];
reader.Read(data, 0, 4);
Trace.Assert((data[0] == 'R') && (data[1] == 'I') && (data[2] == 'F') && (data[3] == 'F'), "Wrong wav header");
// Chunk size
long fileSize = reader.ReadInt32();
// Subchunk, Wave Header
// Subchunk, Format
// Tag: "WAVE"
reader.Read(data, 0, 4);
Trace.Assert((data[0] == 'W') && (data[1] == 'A') && (data[2] == 'V') && (data[3] == 'E'), "Wrong wav tag in wav header");
// Tag: "fmt"
reader.Read(data, 0, 4);
Trace.Assert((data[0] == 'f') && (data[1] == 'm') && (data[2] == 't') && (data[3] == ' '), "Wrong format tag in wav header");
// chunk format size
var formatSize = reader.ReadInt32();
var formatTag = reader.ReadUInt16();
var channels = reader.ReadUInt16();
var samplesPerSecond = reader.ReadUInt32();
var avgBytesPerSec = reader.ReadUInt32();
var blockAlign = reader.ReadUInt16();
var bitsPerSample = reader.ReadUInt16();
// Until now we have read 16 bytes in format, the rest is cbSize and is ignored for now.
if (formatSize > 16)
reader.ReadBytes((int)(formatSize - 16));
// Second Chunk, data
// tag: data.
reader.Read(data, 0, 4);
Trace.Assert((data[0] == 'd') && (data[1] == 'a') && (data[2] == 't') && (data[3] == 'a'), "Wrong data tag in wav");
// data chunk size
int dataSize = reader.ReadInt32();
// now, we have the format in the format parameter and the
// reader set to the start of the body, i.e., the raw sample data
return AudioStreamFormat.GetWaveFormatPCM(samplesPerSecond, (byte)bitsPerSample, (byte)channels);
public static AudioConfig getConfigFromBytes(byte[] bytes)
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(bytes))
using (BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(ms))
return OpenWavFile(binaryReader);
public sealed class BinaryAudioStreamReader : PullAudioInputStreamCallback
private System.IO.BinaryReader _reader;
/// <summary>
/// Creates and initializes an instance of BinaryAudioStreamReader.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="reader">The underlying stream to read the audio data from. Note: The stream contains the bare sample data, not the container (like wave header data, etc).</param>
public BinaryAudioStreamReader(System.IO.BinaryReader reader)
_reader = reader;
/// <summary>
/// Creates and initializes an instance of BinaryAudioStreamReader.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stream">The underlying stream to read the audio data from. Note: The stream contains the bare sample data, not the container (like wave header data, etc).</param>
public BinaryAudioStreamReader(System.IO.Stream stream)
: this(new System.IO.BinaryReader(stream))
/// <summary>
/// Reads binary data from the stream.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dataBuffer">The buffer to fill</param>
/// <param name="size">The size of data in the buffer.</param>
/// <returns>The number of bytes filled, or 0 in case the stream hits its end and there is no more data available.
/// If there is no data immediate available, Read() blocks until the next data becomes available.</returns>
public override int Read(byte[] dataBuffer, uint size)
return _reader.Read(dataBuffer, 0, (int)size);
/// <summary>
/// This method performs cleanup of resources.
/// The Boolean parameter <paramref name="disposing"/> indicates whether the method is called from <see cref="IDisposable.Dispose"/> (if <paramref name="disposing"/> is true) or from the finalizer (if <paramref name="disposing"/> is false).
/// Derived classes should override this method to dispose resource if needed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="disposing">Flag to request disposal.</param>
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposed)
if (disposing)
disposed = true;
private bool disposed = false;