
时间:2011-04-19 02:29:19

标签: asp.net-mvc entity-framework-4.1

我正在使用asp.net mvc。我如何或在何处存储单个数据?例如。 SubscriptionFeeIsSiteOffline



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答案 1 :(得分:0)


标准ASP .NET MVC 3应用程序已经有一些设置(在<configuration>元素内):

    <add key="ClientValidationEnabled" value="true" />
    <add key="UnobtrusiveJavaScriptEnabled" value="true" />
    <add key="MyCustomSetting" value="abcd1234" />


using System.Configuration;

string value = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MyCustomSetting"];

如前所述,在数据后端(即SQL Server或您使用的任何内容)中创建配置表可能会更好,并从那里抓取它们。


public static class SysProperties
    public static string SMTPServer
            return GetProperty("SMTPServer").ToString();

    public static decimal TicketFee
            return Convert.ToDecimal(GetProperty("TicketFee"));

    private static object GetProperty(string PropertyName)
        object PropertyValue = null;
        if (HttpContext.Current != null)
            PropertyValue = HttpContext.Current.Cache[PropertyName];

        if (PropertyValue == null)
            SqlCommand cmSQL = new SqlCommand("SELECT Value FROM tblProperty WHERE Name = @PropertyName");
            cmSQL.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PropertyName", PropertyName);

            DataTable dt = Functions.RunSqlCommand(cmSQL);

            PropertyValue = dt.Rows[0][0];

            if (HttpContext.Current != null)
                HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert(PropertyName, PropertyValue, null, DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(5), System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoSlidingExpiration);

            return PropertyValue;
            return PropertyValue;


另一个免费的,这是我用来利用SQL Server的SqlCacheDependency的一些代码。您必须启用SQL Server Broker,但这允许您将值缓存在内存中,直到SQL Server中的值发生更改。这样,您就没有任意5分钟的到期时间。

此函数旨在检索具有两部分标识符的内容(如用户的全名),因此它需要三个参数:   - 在未缓存值的情况下运行的SQL查询   - 您要检索的项目的唯一ID(即用户ID)   - 标识数据类型的任意字符串(即“UserFullName”,“UserEmail”)


// Static constructor ensures that SqlDependency.Start is called before
// we try to use any SqlCacheDependencies   
static Functions()

public static string GetUserFullName(string UserName)
    return GetSqlCachedValue("SELECT FirstName + ' ' + LastName FROM dbo.tblUser WHERE UserName = @Id", UserName, "UserFullName").ToString();

public static string GetEventNameFromId(int Id)
    return GetSqlCachedValue("SELECT EventName FROM dbo.tblEvents WHERE EventID = @Id", Id, "EventName").ToString();

private static object GetSqlCachedValue(string Query, object Id, string CacheName)
    // Get the cache
    System.Web.Caching.Cache currentCache = HttpContext.Current.Cache;

    object Value = null;

    // We use a standard naming convention for storing items in the application's cache
    string cacheKey = string.Format("{0}_{1}", CacheName, Id.ToString());

    // Attempt to retrieve the value
    if (currentCache != null && currentCache[cacheKey] != null)
        Value = currentCache[cacheKey];

    // If the value was not stored in cache, then query the database to get the value
    if (Value == null)
        // Run the query provided to retrieve the value. We always expect the query to have the @Id parameter specified, that we can use
        // to plug-in the Id parameter given to this function.
        SqlCommand Command = new SqlCommand(Query);
        Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Id", Id);

        // Generate a cache dependency for this query
        System.Web.Caching.SqlCacheDependency dependency = new System.Web.Caching.SqlCacheDependency(Command);

        // Run the query
        DataTable dt = RunSqlCommand(Command);

        if (dt.Rows.Count == 1)
            // Grab the value returned
            Value = dt.Rows[0][0];

            // Save the value in the cache, so next time we don't have to query SQL Server
            if (currentCache != null)
                currentCache.Insert(cacheKey, Value, dependency);

    // return the final value
    return Value;