<Repeater items="{{ images }}" id="{{ repeaterphotoid }}">
<Image src="{{localurl}}" width="75" height="75" visibility="{{photoevidence === 'y' ? 'visible' : 'collapse'}}" />
exports.takePic = function(args){
var page = args.object;
function success(){
var livesite = appSettings.getString("livesite");
var images=[];
var whichcamera = args.object;
var options = {saveToGallery: true, keepAspectRation: true, height: 1024 };
var gallery = args.object.page.getViewById("images-"+whichcamera.id);
var source = new imageSourceModule.ImageSource();
var img = new imageModule.Image();
source.fromAsset(imageAsset).then((imageSource) => {
var auditDB = new sqlite("my.db", function(err, db){
if (err){
alert("Failed to open the database", err);
} else {
var tempfilename = livesite+"-"+whichcamera.qid+"-";
db.all("SELECT filename FROM images WHERE filename LIKE '"+tempfilename+"%'").then(rows =>{
//console.log("Images rows="+rows.length+1);
if (rows.length == 0){
imageCount = 1;
imageCount = rows.length+1;
var livesite = appSettings.getString("livesite");
// var path = filesystem.path.join(filesystem.knownFolders.documants().path,"photos")
var folder = filesystem.knownFolders.documents();
var filename = livesite+"-"+whichcamera.qid+"-"+imageCount+".jpg";
var imgPath = filesystem.path.join(folder.path,filename);
var saved = imageSource.saveToFile(imgPath,"jpg");
if (saved){
var livesite = appSettings.getString("livesite");
var liveaudit = appSettings.getString("liveaudit");
db.execSQL("INSERT INTO images (localurl,remoteurl,syncd,siteid,filename,question) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)",[imgPath,'-','n',livesite,filename,whichcamera.qid])
var imageList = [];
var tempfilename = livesite+"-"+whichcamera.qid+"-";
var imageSQL = "SELECT localurl,remoteurl,filename FROM images WHERE filename LIKE '"+tempfilename+"%'";
db.all(imageSQL).then(rows =>{
for (var row in rows) {
localurl: rows[row][0],
filename: rows[row][2]
const imagesource = fromObject({
images: imageList
imagesource.set = ("images", imageList);
var imageholder = args.object.page.getViewById("repeat_"+whichcamera.id);
imageholder.bindingContext = imagesource;
}).catch(function (err) {
alert("Camera Error "+err.message);
//alert("Taking Pic with camera "+whichcamera.id);
function failure(){
alert("You must allow this app access to the camera and your photos library.")