const _ = require('underscore');
// Challenge:
// Write a function that accepts as argument a "function of one variable", and returns a new
// function. The returned function should invoke the original parameter function on every "odd"
// invocation, returning undefined on even invocations.
// Test case:
// function to wrap via alternate(): doubleIt, which takes a number and returns twice the input.
// input to returned function: 1,2,3,4,9,9,9,10,10,10
// expected output: 2, undefined, 6, undefined, 18, undefined, 18, undefined, 20, undefined
const input = [1,2,3,4,9,9,9,10,10,10];
const doubleIt = x => x * 2;
const alternate = (fn) => {
// Implement me!
// The returned function should only invoke fn on every
// other invocation, returning undefined the other times.
var wrapped = alternate(doubleIt)
_.forEach(input, (x) => console.log(wrapped(x)))
// expected output: 2, undefined, 6, undefined, 18, undefined, 18, undefined, 20, undefined
const alternate = (fn) => {
let odd = false;
return (x) => {
odd = !odd;
if (odd) {
return fn(x);
return undefined;
// An alternate solution if ternary operator (?) is allowed according to coding standards used on the project.
// Sometimes it's treated as bad practise.
const alternateShort = (fn) => {
let odd = false;
return (x) => (odd = !odd) ? fn(x) : undefined;
我得到的答复是,技术主管根本不喜欢我的解决方案,因此我没有被聘用到该项目中。 我真的很困惑,你知道他还能期望什么吗?