
时间:2019-07-18 11:36:46

标签: php html css




$_SESSION['pageStore'] = "index.php";
header("location: login.php"); // Redirecting To login

if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ // Fetching variables of the form which travels in URL
$itemname = $_POST['itemname'];
$category = $_POST['category'];
$subcategory = $_POST['subcategory'];
$price = $_POST['price'];
$cur_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
if($name !=''||$email !=''){
$query = mysql_query("insert into posts(current_date,itemname, category, subcategory, price) VALUES ($cur_date,'$itemname', '$category', '$subcategory', '$price')");
echo "<br/><br/><span>Data Inserted successfully...!!</span>";
echo "<p>Insertion Failed <br/> Some Fields are Blank....!!</p>";

echo '
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        <span>Sell Your Item</span>
    <div class="Messages_Class">
    <div class="SellAnything_Class">
    <div class="Log_Out_Class">
        <span>Log Out</span>



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