我使用Python语言通过TCP套接字在RaspberryPi(RPi)和FPGA之间建立了连接。首先,我将从RPi向FPGA发送数据模式。之后,我将从FPGA接收回数据,并将数据与某个值“ data_compare”进行比较,以获取许多错误。
另一件事是,如果我使用“ while”循环将整个代码括起来,这意味着将“ while”放在“ import”之后,代码也将运行良好。我不想这样做的原因是这样,代码会占用更多时间。
# This code is for SRAM by MCU communication
import socket
import time
import sys
port_MCU = 5000
Ipaddr_MCU = ''
ser_MCU = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
#ser_MCU.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE,1)
RX = [0]*2056
while True:
# port_MCU = 5000
# Ipaddr_MCU = ''
buffer_size = 1
#server_UDPsocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
#server_UDPsocket.bind(('', 61557))
# ser_MCU = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# ser_MCU.connect((Ipaddr_MCU,port_MCU))
#data_pattern can be 0, 1, 10 or 11
data_pattern = 0
#data_compare is used to test if there is an error
data_compare = 0
#test_round is the number that how many rounds the testing code will run. It should be in range of [0,255]
#test_round = 0
print('Connection to MCU has been built!')
TX = [0]*6
# RX = [None]*2056
# send configuration info to fpga
TX[0] = 85
if (data_pattern == 0):
TX[1] = 0
data_compare = 0
elif (data_pattern == 1):
TX[1] = 1
data_compare = 85
elif (data_pattern == 10):
TX[1] = 2
data_compare = 170
elif (data_pattern == 11):
TX[1] = 3
data_compare = 255
test_round = 1
TX[2] = test_round
print("the configuration list TX is: " + str(TX))
# ser_MCU.send(b'8501000')
# for data in TX:
# ser_MCU.send(bytes(data))
# message, address = server_UDPsocket.recvfrom(64)
#message = message.upper()
# print('The received info is %s.'%message)
# if message == b'yes':
TX[0] = 31
print('The trigger configuration list is: ' + str(TX))
err_sum = 0
for i in range (2056):
rx = ser_MCU.recv(1)
# rx_int = ord(rx)
if len(rx) == 1:
RX[i] = ord(rx)
#RX[i] = int.from_bytes(rx,'big')
# print(rx)
for i in range (2056):
if(i != 0 and i%257 != 0):
err_number = RX[i]^ data_compare
err_number_binary = bin(err_number).count('1')
err_sum = err_number_binary + err_sum
print('The total number of generated errors is: ' + str(err_sum))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('Connection is closed!')