
时间:2019-07-16 19:13:57

标签: macos cocoa exit nsapplication nsapplication-delegate



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实际上,应用程序可以通过检查是否正在处理当前的AppleEvent来了解退出原因,如果是,则检查是否是退出事件以及是否发送了Dock它。 (请参见this thread,讨论如何判断是否由于系统正在注销或关闭而退出应用程序。)


- (bool)isAppQuittingViaDock
    NSAppleEventDescriptor *appleEvent = [[NSAppleEventManager sharedAppleEventManager] currentAppleEvent];

    if (!appleEvent) {
        // No Apple event, so the app is not being quit by the Dock.
        return false;

    if ([appleEvent eventClass] != kCoreEventClass || [appleEvent eventID] != kAEQuitApplication) {
        // Not a 'quit' event
        return false;

    NSAppleEventDescriptor *reason = [appleEvent attributeDescriptorForKeyword:kAEQuitReason];  

    if (reason) {
        // If there is a reason for this 'quit' Apple event (such as the current user is logging out)
        // then it didn't occur because the user quit the app through the Dock.
        return false;

    pid_t senderPID = [[appleEvent attributeDescriptorForKeyword:keySenderPIDAttr] int32Value];

    if (senderPID == 0) {
        return false;

    NSRunningApplication *sender = [NSRunningApplication runningApplicationWithProcessIdentifier:senderPID];

    if (!sender) {
        return false;

    return [@"" isEqualToString:[sender bundleIdentifier]];