
时间:2019-07-16 19:01:04

标签: java transactions spring-transactions


public class CustomerDAOImpl implements CustomerDAO {

    // need to inject the session factory
    private SessionFactory sessionFactory;

    public List<Customer> getCustomers() {

        // get the current hibernate session
        Session currentSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();

        // create a query  ... sort by last name
        Query<Customer> theQuery = 
                currentSession.createQuery("from Customer order by lastName",

        // execute query and get result list
        List<Customer> customers = theQuery.getResultList();

        // return the results       
        return customers;

    public void saveCustomer(Customer theCustomer) {

        // get current hibernate session
        Session currentSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();

        // save/upate the customer ... finally LOL


    public Customer getCustomer(int theId) {

        // get the current hibernate session
        Session currentSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();

        // now retrieve/read from database using the primary key
        Customer theCustomer = currentSession.get(Customer.class, theId);

        return theCustomer;

    public void deleteCustomer(int theId) {

        // get the current hibernate session
        Session currentSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();

        // delete object with primary key
        Query theQuery = 
                currentSession.createQuery("delete from Customer where id=:customerId");
        theQuery.setParameter("customerId", theId);



我认为在数据库上进行2次或更多次写操作时,需要使用@Transactional。例如,如果我们要从用户A向用户B转移$ 100。在这种情况下,我们需要做两件事,首先我们需要从用户A减少$ 100,其次我们需要向用户B增加$ 100。 2作为单个原子操作进行写入。而且我了解在这种情况下为什么需要@Transactional


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