
时间:2019-07-16 17:33:19

标签: autohotkey


我尝试过 如果(pwb.ToolBar:= False)移动到屏幕上的某个位置,否则移动到另一个但没有运气。还尝试了工具栏,高度<= 73和其他我什至不记得但没有的事情。


;MouseClick , WhichButton, X, Y, ClickCount, Speed, DownOrUp, Relative
    MouseClick, Left, 215, 232, 1, 0, D
    ;MouseMove, X, Y , Speed, Relative
    MouseMove, 80, 0 , 1, Relative
    Send ^c
        Sleep 20
If StrLen( Clipboard )
    Clipboard := RegexReplace( Clipboard, "\D" );This is so that it only keeps the numbers in the string
    MouseClick,,,, U
    Send ^{TAB}
    SetKeyDelay , 30, 30 ; first is delay between keypresses, and second is press duration
    Send {TAB}^{v}{TAB}701041{TAB}^+{TAB}
    ;MouseClick , WhichButton, X, Y, ClickCount, Speed, DownOrUp, Relative
    MouseClick, Left, 215, 205, 1, 0, D
    ;MouseMove, X, Y , Speed, Relative
    MouseMove, 80, 0 , 1, Relative
    Send ^c
        Sleep 20
If StrLen( Clipboard )
    Clipboard := RegexReplace( Clipboard, "\D" )
    MouseClick,,,, U
        Send ^{TAB}^{v}{TAB}
        SetKeyDelay , 30, 30
        Send %A_MM%/%A_DD%/%A_YYYY%{TAB}{Space};{TAB}{Down}{TAB}{Down}{TAB}{Down}{TAB}{Down 4}
SetKeyDelay , 0, 0 ; first is delay between keypresses, and second is press duration
        Send {TAB}{Down}{TAB}
SetKeyDelay , 30, 30 ; first is delay between keypresses, and second is press duration
        Send {Down 2}
SetKeyDelay , 0, 0 ; first is delay between keypresses, and second is press duration
        Send {TAB}No{TAB}       

我没有包含If(pwb.ToolBar:= False),因为我不确定是否正确。 我希望根据坐标栏是否显示来触发鼠标坐标。

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