
时间:2019-07-16 12:01:59

标签: mysql sql vb.net


Dim insertQuery As String = Teilnehmerkreiszuordnung.CreateInsertSqlStatement(id, addBefugnisseIdList)
Using cn As DbConnection = DbConnection
   Using command As DbCommand = cn.CreateCommand()
      command.CommandText = insertQuery
      // Add values with parameters???
   End Using
End Using


Public Shared Function CreateInsertSqlStatement(ByVal seminarId As Integer, ByVal addBefugnisseList As List(Of Befugnisse)) As String
   Dim strIns = String.Empty
   Dim insertQuery As String = String.Empty
   If (addBefugnisseList.Any()) Then
      For i = 0 To (addBefugnisseList.Count - 1)
         strIns = strIns + String.Format("({0},{1})", seminarId, addBefugnisseList(i).AutoID)
         If (addBefugnisseList.Count - 1 - i > 0) Then
            strIns = strIns + ","
         End If
      insertQuery = String.Format("INSERT INTO teilnehmerkreiszuordnung(SeminarID, befugnisID) VALUES {0}", strIns)
   End If
   Return insertQuery
End Function


INSERT INTO teilnehmerkreiszuordnung(SeminarID, befugnisID) VALUES (2,5),(2,6),(2,7)

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


' pass also the connection and lets return a DbCommand filled with proper parameters'  
Public Shared Function CreateInsertSqlCommand(ByVal DbConnection cn, 
                       ByVal seminarId As Integer, 
                       ByVal addBefugnisseList As List(Of Befugnisse)) As DbCommand

   ' Use a StringBuilder to get better memory footprint with repeated string changes'

   Dim strIns As StringBuilder = new StringBuilder()

   Dim command As DbCommand = Nothing
   Dim insertQuery As String = "INSERT INTO teilnehmerkreiszuordnung(SeminarID, 
befugnisID) VALUES " 
   If (addBefugnisseList.Any()) Then
         'Create the command and add the invarian parameter'
         command As DbCommand = cn.CreateCommand()
         command.Parameters.Add("@s", MySqlDbType.Int32).Value = seminarID
         ' loop and add the list parameters while building the parameters placeholders'
         For i = 0 To (addBefugnisseList.Count - 1)
             command.Parameters.Add($"a{i}", MySqlDbType.Int32).Value = addBefugnisseList(i).AutoID
         ' Remove the last comma'
         if strIns.Length > 0 Then
            strIns.Length = strIns.Length - 1
         End If
         command.CommandText = insertQuery + strIns.ToString()
   End If
   Return command
End Function

Using cn As DbConnection = DbConnection
   Using command As DbCommand = Teilnehmerkreiszuordnung.CreateInsertSqlCommand(cn, id, addBefugnisseIdList)
      if command IsNot Nothing Then
      End If
   End Using
End Using

答案 1 :(得分:0)

   Public Shared Function CreateInsertSqlCommand(ByRef command As DbCommand, ByVal seminarId As Integer, ByVal addBefugnisseList As List(Of Befugnisse)) As Boolean
        Dim IsThereAnyQuery As Boolean = False
        Dim strIns = String.Empty
        Dim insertQuery As String = String.Empty
        If (addBefugnisseList.Any()) Then
            For i = 0 To (addBefugnisseList.Count - 1)
                command.AddParameterWithValue(String.Format("@S{0}", i), seminarId)
                command.AddParameterWithValue(String.Format("@B{0}", i), addBefugnisseList(i).AutoID)
                strIns = strIns + String.Format("(@S{0},@B{1})", i, i)
                If (addBefugnisseList.Count - 1 - i > 0) Then
                    strIns = strIns + ","
                End If
            insertQuery = String.Format("INSERT INTO teilnehmerkreiszuordnung(SeminarID, befugnisID) VALUES {0}", strIns)
            command.CommandText = insertQuery
            IsThereAnyQuery = True
        End If
        Return IsThereAnyQuery
    End Function


If (Teilnehmerkreiszuordnung.CreateInsertSqlCommand(command, id, addBefugnisseIdList)) Then
End If


public sealed class DbCommandExtensions
    public static void AddParameterWithValue(this DbCommand cmd, string name, object value)
       DbParameter parameter = cmd.CreateParameter();
       parameter.ParameterName = name;
       parameter.Value = RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(value);
       cmd.Parameters.Add((object) parameter);