
时间:2019-07-16 08:14:45

标签: vb.net timer

我想在计时器达到50时运行特定功能,此时将显示一个消息框,然后运行特定功能,然后将其重置为0。您能否帮助查看并添加可能对我有帮助的代码? / p>




            MessageBox.Show("Please wait were updating the data table..")

            Dim sqlquery As String = "SELECT PT_N_Std_Tuning, PT_TimeIn, PT_TimeOut, Variant FROM tbl_V9_Datalog WHERE Variant = '5' AND dateadd(hour, -1, dateadd(hour,datediff(hour,0,getdate()),0)) <= [PT_TimeIn]
            and PT_TimeIn < dateadd(hour,datediff(hour,0,getdate()),0) ORDER BY PT_TimeIn ASC"

            Dim reader As SqlDataReader
            Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter
            Dim command As New SqlCommand
            command.CommandText = sqlquery
            command.Connection = conn1
            adapter.SelectCommand = command
            'command.Parameters.Add("@variantno", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = cmbox_variant.Text

            reader = command.ExecuteReader

            Dim DataTableName As String = textbox1.text
            Dim dValue As Double
            Dim ID1 As String = ""
            Dim ID2 As String = ""
            Dim ID3 As String = ""
            Dim ID4 As String = ""
            Dim ID5 As String = ""
            Dim ID6 As String = ""
            Dim ID7 As String = ""
            Dim ID8 As String = ""
            Dim ID9 As String = ""
            Dim ID10 As String = ""
            Dim ID11 As String = ""
            Dim ID12 As String = ""
            Dim Note1 As String = ""
            Dim Note2 As String = ""
            Dim sDate As String = ""
            Dim sTime As String = ""
            Dim wd As Int32 = S2K_SetDataTableVariableValue(DataTableName, dValue, ID1, ID2, ID3, ID4, ID5, ID6, ID7, ID8, ID9, ID10, ID11, ID12, Note1, Note2, sDate, sTime)

                If reader.HasRows Then
                    While reader.Read()
                        dValue = (Val(reader.Item("PT_N_Std_Tuning").ToString))
                        DataTableName = TextBox1.Text
                        ID1 = reader.Item("PT_TimeIn").ToString
                        ID2 = ""
                        ID3 = ""
                        ID4 = ""
                        ID5 = ""
                        ID6 = ""
                        ID7 = ""
                        ID8 = ""
                        ID9 = ""
                        ID10 = ""
                        ID11 = ""
                        ID12 = ""
                        Note1 = "" 'reader.Item("AttemptNo").ToString
                        Note2 = ""
                        Dim sDate1 = reader.GetOrdinal("PT_TimeOut")
                        sDate = reader.GetDateTime(sDate1).ToShortDateString
                        Dim sTime1 = reader.GetOrdinal("PT_TimeOut")
                        sTime = reader.GetDateTime(sTime1).ToLongTimeString
                        wd = S2K_SetDataTableVariableValue(DataTableName, dValue, ID1, ID2, ID3, ID4, ID5, ID6, ID7, ID8, ID9, ID10, ID11, ID12, Note1, Note2, sDate, sTime)
                    End While

                    MessageBox.Show("Data has been updated")
                End If 
End If


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