
时间:2019-07-15 21:27:12

标签: r pdf latex



summaryTable(y=wdata$HCTCI.score, table.title="HCT-CI Raw Score",     y.labels="Number of Readmissions")

summaryTable(y=wdata$HCTCI.score, table.title="Readmissions",     freq.tab=T, y.name="HCT-CI Raw Score")

summaryTable(y=wdata$HCTCI.3cat, table.title="HCT-CI Score (3     Groups)", caption_heading="Note:", caption="1: Score=0; 2: Score=1-2;     3: Score=3+", freq.tab=T, y.labels=c("0", "1-2", "3+"))






- \vspace{2in}Analysis for Study$\colon$ Readmissions
- \vspace{.2in}\emph{`r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')`}
- \emph{PI$\colon$ Name}
- \emph{College}
- \vspace{.5in}\emph{Author}
- \emph{Position}
- \emph{email}
- \vspace{4in}
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summaryTable(wdata$readm, table.title="Readmissions Within 100 Days", y.labels="Number of Readmissions")

summaryTable(wdata$readm, table.title="Readmissions Within 100 Days", y.labels="Number of Readmissions", freq.tab=T)

summaryTable(wdata$readm.any, table.title="Readmissions Within 100 Days", freq.tab=T, y.name="Readmission", y.labels=c("No Readmission", "Any Readmission"))

\ pagebreak


summaryTable(y=wdata$donor, table.title="Donor Type", freq.tab=T, y.name="Donor Type")

summaryTable(y=wdata$donor.3cat, table.title="Association Between Readmissions and Donor Type (3 Groups)", freq.tab=T, y.name="Donor Type", y.labels=c("Matched Sibs", "MUD", "Others"))

regTable.logistic(formula=wdata$readm.any~as.factor(wdata$donor.3cat), response = "Readmission", y.name="Donor Type (3 Groups)", y.labels=c("MUD vs Matched Sibs", "Others vs Matched Sibs"))

summaryTable(y=wdata$readm.any, bygroup=as.numeric(wdata$donor.3cat), freq.tab=T, bygroup.name="Donor Type", y.name="Readmissions", bygroup.labels=c("Matched Sibs", "MUD", "Others"), caption_heading="Note:", caption = "0: No Readmission; 1: Any Readmission")

\ pagebreak



summaryTable(y=wdata$HCTCI.score, table.title="HCT-CI Raw Score", y.labels="Number of Readmissions")

summaryTable(y=wdata$HCTCI.score, table.title="Readmissions", freq.tab=T, y.name="HCT-CI Raw Score")

summaryTable(y=wdata$HCTCI.3cat, table.title="HCT-CI Score (3 Groups)", caption_heading="Note:", caption="1: Score=0; 2: Score=1-2; 3: Score=3+", freq.tab=T, y.labels=c("0", "1-2", "3+"))

\ pagebreak



This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.20 (TeX Live 2019) (preloaded format=pdflatex)
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entering extended mode
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<to be read again> 
l.1949 \item

Error: Failed to compile Revised_Code.tex. See https://yihui.name/tinytex/r/#debugging for debugging tips. See Revised_Code.log for more info.
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      \title{\vspace{2in}Analysis for the Study\(\colon\) Readmissions}
      \subtitle{\vspace{.2in}\emph{15 July, 2019}}
      \author{\emph{PI$\colon$ Name} \\ \emph{Professor} \\ \vspace{.5in}\emph{Name} \\ \emph{Position} \\ \emph{email}}






    \section{Summary of Readmissions within 100


    \caption{\label{tab:unnamed-chunk-1}Readmissions Within 100 Days}
      & n & Mean & Std & Min & Median & Max\\
    \rowcolor{gray!6}  y & 147 & 0.537415 & 0.7961561 & 0 & 0 & 4\\


    \caption{\label{tab:unnamed-chunk-1}Readmissions Within 100 Days}
      & Frequency & X.\\
    \rowcolor{gray!6}  0 & 90 & 61.224\\
    1 & 40 & 27.211\\
    \rowcolor{gray!6}  2 & 13 & 8.844\\
    3 & 3 & 2.041\\
    \rowcolor{gray!6}  4 & 1 & 0.680\\


    \caption{\label{tab:unnamed-chunk-1}Readmissions Within 100 Days}
    Readmission & Frequency & \%\\
    \rowcolor{gray!6}  No Readmission & 90 & 61.224\\
    Any Readmission & 57 & 38.776\\


    \section{Association Between Readmissions and Donor


    \caption{\label{tab:unnamed-chunk-2}Donor Type}
      & Frequency & X.\\
    \rowcolor{gray!6}  0 & 46 & 31.081\\
    1 & 64 & 43.243\\
    \rowcolor{gray!6}  2 & 25 & 16.892\\
    3 & 5 & 3.378\\
    \rowcolor{gray!6}  4 & 6 & 4.054\\
    5 & 2 & 1.351\\


    \caption{\label{tab:unnamed-chunk-2}Association Between Readmissions and Donor Type (3 Groups)}
    Donor Type & Frequency & \%\\
    \rowcolor{gray!6}  Matched Sibs & 46 & 31.081\\
    MUD & 89 & 60.135\\
    \rowcolor{gray!6}  Others & 13 & 8.784\\

    Donor Type (3 Groups) & OR & CI Lower & CI Upper & p value\\
    \rowcolor{gray!6}  MUD vs Matched Sibs & 1.360 & 0.649 & 2.850 & 0.415\\
    Others vs Matched Sibs & 0.833 & 0.222 & 3.135 & 0.787\\

      & Readmissions & 0 & \% & 1 & \% & Total & \%\\
    \rowcolor{gray!6}  Donor Type &  &  &  &  &  &  & \\
    Matched Sibs &  & 30 & 65.22 & 16 & 34.78 & 46 & 100\\
    \rowcolor{gray!6}  MUD &  & 51 & 57.95 & 37 & 42.05 & 88 & 100\\
    Others &  & 9 & 69.23 & 4 & 30.77 & 13 & 100\\
    \rowcolor{gray!6}  Total &  & 90 & 61.22 & 57 & 38.78 & 147 & 100\\
    \item \underline{\textit{Note:}} 
    \item 0: No Readmission; 1: Any Readmission


    \section{Association Between Readmissions and Pre-Transplant Disease



    \caption{\label{tab:unnamed-chunk-3}HCT-CI Raw Score}
      & n & Mean & Std & Min & Median & Max\\
    \rowcolor{gray!6}  y & 148 & 1.986487 & 1.319588 & 0 & 2 & 7\\


      & Frequency & X.\\
    \rowcolor{gray!6}  0 & 19 & 12.838\\
    1 & 37 & 25.000\\
    \rowcolor{gray!6}  2 & 44 & 29.730\\
    3 & 29 & 19.595\\
    \rowcolor{gray!6}  4 & 16 & 10.811\\
    5 & 1 & 0.676\\
    \rowcolor{gray!6}  6 & 1 & 0.676\\
    7 & 1 & 0.676\\


    \caption{\label{tab:unnamed-chunk-3}HCT-CI Score (3 Groups)}
      & Frequency & X.\\
    \rowcolor{gray!6}  [0,1) & 19 & 12.838\\
    [1,3) & 81 & 54.730\\
    \rowcolor{gray!6}  [3,8) & 48 & 32.432\\
    \item \underline{\textit{Note:}} 
    \item 1: Score=0; 2: Score=1-2; 3: Score=3+





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