
时间:2019-07-15 11:19:59

标签: iis vbscript asp-classic



Session( "signon_domain" ) = UCase( strSignOnDomain )
Session( "signon_userid" ) = LCase( strSignOnUserID )

' Set the AD path to connect to
strADsPath = "WinNT://" & strSignOnDomain

' Bind to the AD path
Set objADsPath = GetObject( strADsPath )

' Get the namespace
strADsNamespace = "WinNT:"

' Bind to the namespace
Set objADsNamespace = GetObject( strADsNamespace )

' Turn on error handling
On Error Resume Next

' Connect to AD with the provided credentials
Set objADsAuthenticate = objADsNamespace.OpenDSObject( strADsPath, strSignOnDomain & "\" & strSignOnUserID, strSignOnPassword, 0 )

' Check for any errors
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    ' Specify the error to display
    strMessage = "User ID or password or domain incorrect."
    Session( "signon" ) = ""
    Session( "signon" ) = "successful"
End If

' Turn off error handling
On Error Goto 0

' Clear variables
Set objADsAuthenticate = Nothing
Set objADsNamespace = Nothing
Set objADsPath = Nothing
strADsNamespace = Empty
strADsPath = Empty


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