Substation ColumnTitle Voltage ptime MW
A-1 A-741 400 00:00 -23.76
A-1 A-741 400 00:01 20.54
A-1 A-741 400 00:02 -19.09
A-1 A-741 400 00:03 -13.23
A-1 A-741 400 00:04 15.27
A-1 A-741 400 00:05 -12.7
A-2 A-741 400 00:00 -33.76
A-2 A-741 400 00:01 30.54
A-2 A-741 400 00:02 -49.09
A-2 A-741 400 00:03 -23.23
A-2 A-741 400 00:04 25.27
A-2 A-741 400 00:05 -22.7
我想拥有MW字段最大值及其相关ptime的所有记录。 所以我写了这个
var highest = from e in dtReport.AsEnumerable()
group e by new {
substation =e.Field<string>("substation"),
ColumnTitle = e.Field<string>("ColumnTitle"),
Voltage = e.Field<string>("Voltage")
into dptgrp
let topsal = dptgrp.Max(x => decimal.Parse(x.Field<string>("MW")))
select new
substation = dptgrp.Key.substation,
ColumnTitle = dptgrp.Key.ColumnTitle,
Voltagee = dptgrp.Key.Voltage,
ptime = dptgrp.First(y => y.Field<string>("MW") == topsal.ToString()).Field<string>("ptime"),
MW = topsal
let topsal = dptgrp.Max(x => Math.Abs(decimal.Parse(x.Field<string>("MW"))))
ptime = dptgrp.First(y => y.Field<string>("MW") == topsal.ToString()).Field<string>("ptime")
例如。对于A-1,A741,400,最大Vlaue为-23.76。我该如何设置其ptime为“ 00:00”?
答案 0 :(得分:1)
不确定此答案是否足够谨慎,但是在每个分组中 内,请按兴趣的绝对值排序并采用.First()
var listOfItemsAttainingMaxMWWithingTheirGroup = dtReport.AsEnumerable()
.GroupBy(e => new {
substation =e.Field<string>("substation"),
ColumnTitle = e.Field<string>("ColumnTitle"),
Voltage = e.Field<string>("Voltage"),
.Select(grp => grp
.OrderByDescending(e => Math.Abs(decimal.Parse(e.Field<string>("MW"))))
答案 1 :(得分:0)
您应该首先按变电站分组并获取所有组件的最大MW值。使用Substation / MW表,您可以将原始表与Substation和MW列相同的表连接起来。
答案 2 :(得分:0)
class Table
public string Substation { get; set; }
public string ColumnTitle { get; set; }
public string ptime { get; set; }
public string MW { get; set; }
public string Voltage { get; set; }
List<Table> dptgrp= new List<Table>();
dptgrp.Add(new Table
ColumnTitle = "A-741",
MW = "-23.76",
ptime = "00:00",
Substation = "",
Voltage = "400"
dptgrp.Add(new Table
ColumnTitle = "A-741",
MW = "20.54",
ptime = "00:01",
Substation = "",
Voltage = "400"
var maxValue = dptgrp.OrderBy(x => x.MW).FirstOrDefault().MW; // here you can use OrderByDescending if you want to ignore the +/- signs
var result = dptgrp.First(x => x.MW == maxValue).ptime; // this will be your final result