
时间:2019-07-12 21:21:15

标签: treeview javafx-8

我正在使用CheckBoxTreeItem项目创建文件系统的Treeview。因为对于某些目录(例如c:\ windows),树结构可能非常大,所以加载树视图可能会花费很长时间。因此,我实现了Java文档https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/javafx/api/javafx/scene/control/TreeItem.html中所述的延迟加载方法。




    private TreeView<File> treeview_treeview;

    TreeItem<File> root = createNode(new File("c:\\"));

    private CheckBoxTreeItem<File> createNode(final File f) {
      return new CheckBoxTreeItem<File>(f) {
          // We cache whether the File is a leaf or not. A File is a leaf if
          // it is not a directory and does not have any files contained within
          // it. We cache this as isLeaf() is called often, and doing the 
          // actual check on File is expensive.
          private boolean isLeaf;

          // We do the children and leaf testing only once, and then set these
          // booleans to false so that we do not check again during this
          // run. A more complete implementation may need to handle more 
          // dynamic file system situations (such as where a folder has files
          // added after the TreeView is shown). Again, this is left as an
          // exercise for the reader.
          private boolean isFirstTimeChildren = true;
          private boolean isFirstTimeLeaf = true;

          @Override public ObservableList<TreeItem<File>> getChildren() {
              if (isFirstTimeChildren) {
                  isFirstTimeChildren = false;

                  // First getChildren() call, so we actually go off and 
                  // determine the children of the File contained in this TreeItem.
              return super.getChildren();

          @Override public boolean isLeaf() {
              if (isFirstTimeLeaf) {
                  isFirstTimeLeaf = false;
                  File f = (File) getValue();
                  isLeaf = f.isFile();

              return isLeaf;

          private ObservableList<TreeItem<File>> buildChildren(TreeItem<File> TreeItem) {
              //TreeItem.setGraphic(new ImageView(new Image(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/images/cancel.png"))));
              File f = TreeItem.getValue();
              if (f != null && f.isDirectory()) {
                  File[] files = f.listFiles();
                  if (files != null) {
                      ObservableList<TreeItem<File>> children = FXCollections.observableArrayList();

                      for (File childFile : files) {
                          if (childFile.isDirectory()){

                      return children;

              return FXCollections.emptyObservableList();

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