因此,目前,我已经从他们的git存储库下载了整个文件,基本上我浏览了一下,并有一个朋友帮助我删除了他们站点上的许多冗余和错误。我不适应该语言,因此我使用Vue.JS进行了前端的重新开发,并将前端部署在firebase和Flask python上作为后端,并使用了SQLAlchemy数据库,该数据库可以在pythonanywhere上运行。 >
async setAuthenticated(login_status, user_data) {
// Update the states
this.logged_user_id = user_data.id;
this.logged_user_username = user_data.username;
this.authenticated = login_status;
this.token = user_data.token;
// Initialize Pusher JavaScript library
pusher = new Pusher(process.env.VUE_APP_PUSHER_KEY, {
cluster: process.env.VUE_APP_PUSHER_CLUSTER,
authEndpoint: "https://theApiFrom.pythonanywhere/api/pusher/auth",
auth: {
headers: {
Authorization: "Bearer " + this.token
// Get all the users from the server
const users = await this.axios.get("https://theApiFrom.pythonanywhere.com/api/users", {
headers: { Authorization: "Bearer " + this.token }
// Get all users excluding the current logged user
this.users = users.data.filter(
user => user.userName != user_data.username
var notifications = pusher.subscribe(
notifications.bind("new_chat", data => {
const isSubscribed = pusher.channel(data.channel_name);
if (!isSubscribed) {
const one_on_one_chat = pusher.subscribe(data.channel_name);
this.$set(this.messages, data.channel_name, []);
one_on_one_chat.bind("new_message", data => {
// Check if the current chat channel is where the message is comming from
if (
data.channel !== this.current_chat_channel &&
data.from_user !== this.logged_user_id
) {
// Get the index of the user that sent the message
const index = this.users.findIndex(
user => user.id == data.from_user
// Set the has_new_message status of the user to true
this.$set(this.users, index, {
has_new_message: true
message: data.message,
sentiment: data.sentiment,
from_user: data.from_user,
to_user: data.to_user,
channel: data.channel
getMessage: function(channel_name) {
.get(`https://theApiFrom.pythonanywhere/api/get_msg/${channel_name}`, {
headers: { Authorization: "Bearer " + this.token }
.then(response => {
this.$set(this.messages, channel_name, response.data);
chat: function(id) {
this.active_chat_id = id;
// Get index of the current chatting user...
this.active_chat_index = this.users.findIndex(
user => user.id == this.active_chat_id
// Set the has_new_message status of the user to true
this.$set(this.users, this.active_chat_index, {
has_new_message: false
from_user: this.logged_user_id,
to_user: this.active_chat_id
{ headers: { Authorization: "Bearer " + this.token } }
.then(response => {
this.users[this.active_chat_index]["channel_name"] =
this.current_chat_channel = response.data.channel_name;
// Get messages on this channel
var isSubscribed = pusher.channel(response.data.channel_name);
if (!isSubscribed) {
var channel = pusher.subscribe(response.data.channel_name);
this.$set(this.messages, response.data.channel_name, []);
channel.bind("new_message", data => {
//Check if the current chat channel is where the message is comming from
if (
data.channel !== this.current_chat_channel &&
data.from_user !== this.logged_user_id
) {
// Set the has_new_message status of the user to true
this.$set(this.users, this.active_chat_index, {
has_new_message: true
message: data.message,
sentiment: data.sentiment,
from_user: data.from_user,
to_user: data.to_user,
channel: data.channel
.catch(function(error) {
send_message: function(message) {
from_user: this.logged_user_id,
to_user: this.active_chat_id,
message: message,
channel: this.current_chat_channel
{ headers: { Authorization: "Bearer " + this.token } }
答案 0 :(得分:1)
在不同的端口上运行每个站点“ php”和“ flask”
然后使用apache vhost将localhost / php和localhost / flask指向localhost:ports
本地主机:8000 <-本地主机/ php
本地主机:8080 <-本地主机/烧瓶