
时间:2019-07-12 15:11:46

标签: angular module nativescript ngfactory

我将项目上载到了https://github.com/rezaee/conFusion-test,实际上,这是2017年编写的NativeScript-Angular项目,版本5或6,我试图将其更新为Angular 8,但我做了所有工作,除了一个名为main.aot.ts的文件仍然存在。在具有以下内容的文件中:

// this import should be first in order to load some required settings (like globals and reflect-metadata)
import { platformNativeScript } from "nativescript-angular/platform-static";

import { AppModuleNgFactory } from "./app.module.ngfactory";





错误消息。所以我尝试了npm installng-factory,但它也给了我以下错误:

npm WARN deprecated minimatch@0.3.0: Please update to minimatch 3.0.2 or higher to avoid a RegExp DoS issue
npm WARN deprecated minimatch@2.0.10: Please update to minimatch 3.0.2 or higher to avoid a RegExp DoS issue
npm WARN @angular/http@8.0.0-beta.10 requires a peer of @angular/core@8.0.0-beta.10+1.sha-a28b3e3 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
npm WARN @angular/http@8.0.0-beta.10 requires a peer of @angular/platform-browser@8.0.0-beta.10+1.sha-a28b3e3 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
npm WARN nativescript-angular@8.0.0 requires a peer of zone.js@^0.8.4 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
npm WARN nativescript-couchbase@1.0.18 requires a peer of tns-core-modules@^3.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.

+ ng-factory@1.1.0
updated 1 package and audited 11952 packages in 25.655s
found 169 vulnerabilities (13 low, 2 moderate, 154 high)
  run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details


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