package com.Wands;
import java.util.Random;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.util.Vector;
public class LocationHelper {
public static Location offsetLocation(Location startLocation, Vector offset) {
// Add the offset vector to the start location
return new Location(
startLocation.getX() + offset.getX(),
startLocation.getY() + offset.getY(),
startLocation.getZ() + offset.getZ());
* This function will move a location on the Y axis to find the nearest spot
* where a player can stand
public static Location validateLocation(Location location) {
// Create a new location to return later
Location validatedLocation = location;
// While block at location is solid
while (validatedLocation.getBlock().getType().isSolid()) {
// Move location up one
validatedLocation.setY(validatedLocation.getY() + 1);
// While block under location is not solid
while (!offsetLocation(validatedLocation, new Vector(0, -1, 0)).getBlock().getType().isSolid()) {
// Move location down one
validatedLocation.setY(validatedLocation.getY() - 1);
// Return validated location
return validatedLocation;
public static Location getRandomNearbyPosition(Location startLocation, int range) {
// Create a random number generator
Random rdm = new Random();
// Create a new location to return later
Location randomLocation = startLocation;
Location validatedRandomLocation = null;
while (validatedRandomLocation == null
|| validatedRandomLocation.distance(startLocation) > range * 2
|| validatedRandomLocation.getBlock().getType().isSolid()) {
// Safe the random offset to a vector
Vector offset = new Vector(
rdm.nextInt(range * 2) - range,
rdm.nextInt(range * 2) - range,
rdm.nextInt(range * 2) - range);
// Add offset to random location
randomLocation = offsetLocation(startLocation, offset);
// Validate random location
validatedRandomLocation = validateLocation(randomLocation);
// Return random validated location
return validatedRandomLocation;