我有GPX file的GPS轨道。现在我想计算一下这条赛道所覆盖的距离。
答案 0 :(得分:24)
我有一个实现算法的SQL Server函数。这应该很容易翻译成其他语言:
create function dbo.udf_Haversine(@lat1 float, @long1 float,
@lat2 float, @long2 float) returns float begin
declare @dlon float, @dlat float, @rlat1 float,
@rlat2 float, @rlong1 float, @rlong2 float,
@a float, @c float, @R float, @d float, @DtoR float
select @DtoR = 0.017453293
select @R = 3959 -- Earth radius
@rlat1 = @lat1 * @DtoR,
@rlong1 = @long1 * @DtoR,
@rlat2 = @lat2 * @DtoR,
@rlong2 = @long2 * @DtoR
@dlon = @rlong1 - @rlong2,
@dlat = @rlat1 - @rlat2
select @a = power(sin(@dlat/2), 2) + cos(@rlat1) *
cos(@rlat2) * power(sin(@dlon/2), 2)
select @c = 2 * atn2(sqrt(@a), sqrt(1-@a))
select @d = @R * @c
return @d
编辑:此功能足够快且足够准确,可以使用邮政编码数据库进行半径搜索。多年来它一直在this site做得很好(但现在不再这样了,因为现在链接已被破坏)。
答案 1 :(得分:1)
Mike Gavaghan has an algorithm在他的网站上进行距离计算。有一个C#和JAVA版本的代码。
答案 2 :(得分:1)
可以找到Vincenty formulae的Delphi实现here。
答案 3 :(得分:1)
3958.761是英里的mean radius of the Earth。要以km(或其他单位)获得结果,只需更改此数字即可。
// The Haversine formula
def haversineDistance(pointA: (Double, Double), pointB: (Double, Double)): Double = {
val deltaLat = math.toRadians(pointB._1 - pointA._1)
val deltaLong = math.toRadians(pointB._2 - pointA._2)
val a = math.pow(math.sin(deltaLat / 2), 2) + math.cos(math.toRadians(pointA._1)) * math.cos(math.toRadians(pointB._1)) * math.pow(math.sin(deltaLong / 2), 2)
val greatCircleDistance = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1 - a))
3958.761 * greatCircleDistance
// A sequence of gpx trackpoint lat,long pairs parsed from the track GPX data
val trkpts: Seq[(Double, Double)] = {
val x = scala.xml.XML.loadString(track)
(x \\ "trkpt").map(trkpt => ((trkpt \ "@lat").text.toDouble, (trkpt \ "@lon").text.toDouble))
// Distance of track in miles using Haversine formula
val trackDistance: Double = {
trkpts match {
case head :: tail => tail.foldLeft(head, 0.0)((accum, elem) => (elem, accum._2 + haversineDistance(accum._1, elem)))._2
case Nil => 0.0
答案 4 :(得分:0)
这个问题相当陈旧,但我想为完整性添加一个python选项。 GeoPy同时包含great-circle distance
和Vincenty distance