Word VBA:将注释和用户名转换为脚注;需要作者(现在在脚注中)加粗

时间:2019-07-11 13:06:38

标签: vba ms-word




Dim oDoc As Document
Dim oComment As Comment
Dim strAuthor As String
Dim rngAuthor As Range
Dim oFootNotes As Footnotes
Dim Ftnote As Footnote
Dim rngFootnote As Word.Range

'Document is the ActiveDocument
Set oDoc = Application.ActiveDocument

'find comment
For Each oComment In ActiveDocument.Comments

Set rngAuthor = oComment.Scope.Editors

'Comment made by "Author"
  strAuthor = oComment.Author

  'create a footnote and move comment text to footnote with rngAuthor(bold)
  oDoc.oFootNotes.Add Range:=oComment.Scope, Text:=oComment.Range.Text, Text:=oComment.Range.Editors
  rngAuthor.Font.bold = True
  ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.SeekView = wdSeekFootnotes
  'Delete Comment


运行代码时,我得到 运行时错误:Set rngAuthor = oComment.Scope.Editors为13,oDoc.oFootNotes.Add Range:=oComment.Scope, Text:=oComment.Range.Text, Text:=oComment.Range.Editors的运行时错误438

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

声明脚注范围允许对该范围进行操作,以便可以将注释添加到脚注中,然后在将注释作者声明为字符串时,可以将作者名称作为文本应用于脚注范围:“ rngFootnote .Text = strAuthor”,这意味着可以通过“ rngFootnote.Font.bold = True”将作者的姓名加粗。还有代码,如果作者的名字显示为“姓氏,姓氏”,则将其转换为“姓氏”。

Dim oDoc As Document
Dim oComment As Comment
Dim strAuthor As String
Dim strForename As String
Dim strSurname As String
Dim oFootnotes As Footnotes
Dim Ftnote As Footnote
Dim rngFootnote As Word.Range

'Document is the ActiveDocument
Set oDoc = Application.ActiveDocument
Set oFootnotes = oDoc.Footnotes

'find comment
For Each oComment In ActiveDocument.Comments

  'Comment made by "Author"
  strAuthor = oComment.Author

  'create a footnote and move comment text to footnote with Author
  oDoc.Footnotes.Add Range:=oComment.Scope, Text:=oComment.Range.Text & "  "

  'the author's name now needs to be bold (now the last two words in each footnote)
  For Each Ftnote In oFootnotes               'this adds the new footnote with the comment
    Set rngFootnote = Ftnote.Range            'this is where the comment is added

    rngFootnote.Collapse wdCollapseEnd

    If InStr(strAuthor, ",") > 0 Then       'name added
      'split surname from strUserName
      strSurname = Split(strAuthor, " ")(0)
        'delete comma
        strSurname = Trim(Left(strSurname, Len(strSurname) - 1))
      'split forename from strUserName
      strForename = Right(strAuthor, Len(strAuthor) - InStrRev(strAuthor, ","))
      strForename = Trim(Right(strForename, Len(strForename) - 1))
      strAuthor = strForename & " " & strSurname
    ElseIf InStr(strAuthor, "") > 0 Then       'name added
    End If
    rngFootnote.Text = strAuthor
    rngFootnote.Font.bold = True
  'Delete comment