
时间:2019-07-10 17:06:41

标签: excel vba


我正在使用Excel Professional Plus 2016(不确定是否重要)。

使用数组是我可以设法获得所需最终结果的唯一方法,这很好。我希望数组是动态的,但是每当我尝试ReDim Preserve方法时,值都不会保存到数组中。数组的大小将是完美的,但是每个元素都是“空”。根据{{​​3}},“数组的每个元素必须分别分配其值”,所以我想我不能以块的形式将范围值分配给数组。找到网页后,我实现了一个具有预定结构和嵌套for循环的数组。

理想情况下,我可以将组织划分为不同的区域,但是由于它是连续的,所以我无法这样做。我想知道的是1)是否有更好的方法来做我想做的事情? (更易于阅读,更快,更少的代码,等等。2)如果没有更好的方法,是否可以就如何使此代码更简洁(动态范围,更少的循环,更好的结构)获得一些建议?

Private Sub rangetest()

Dim twb As Workbook: Set twb = ThisWorkbook
Dim cws As Worksheet: Set cws = twb.Sheets("Cleaned_2019+")
Dim orng As Range
Dim datelot As String, datelotcomp As String
Dim c As Long, i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, numrows As Long, lastrow 
    As Long, numlots As Long, _
    curRow As Long, lotRows As Long, startRow As Long, layerRows As Long, 
    aRow As Long
Dim aLot() As Variant, aData(9, 49, 37) As Variant
Dim Z As Boolean

Set orng = cws.Range("A973:AL1014")   'Set initial range to work with.
numrows = orng.Rows.Count             'Number of rows in orng.
curRow = 1                            'Current row in orng.
startRow = 1                          'Starting row in orng for next 
layer (changes when lot changes).
i = 0                                 'Layer of array (for aLot and aData arrays).
j = 0                                 'Row in orng where values for previous layer ended.
Z = False
Do Until Z = True
    datelot = Left(orng.Cells(curRow, 6).Value, 10)                            'Lot that we want the data for. Corresponds to a layer in the aData array.
    datelotcomp = Left(orng.Cells(curRow + 1, 6).Value, 10)                    'Lot of the next row in data sheet.
    If datelot <> datelotcomp Then                                             'If datelotcomp <> to datelot then we want a new layer for array.
        layerRows = curRow - j                                                 'Number of rows for a particular layer
        ReDim Preserve aLot(i)                                                 'Array of lot names
        aLot(i) = datelot                                                      'Assign lot name to aLot array
        For aRow = 1 To layerRows                                              'Row index in array
            For lotRows = startRow To curRow                                   'Loops through orng rows and sets those values in array
                For c = 1 To 38                                                'Loops through columns. There are always 38 columns
                    aData(i, aRow - 1, c - 1) = orng.Cells(lotRows, c).Value   'Add values to each index in array
                Next c
            Next lotRows
        Next aRow
        j = curRow
        i = i + 1
        startRow = curRow + 1
    End If
    If curRow = numrows Then                                                   'End loop at end of orng
        Z = True
    End If
    curRow = curRow + 1
numlots = i

End Sub





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