
时间:2019-07-10 16:41:37

标签: powershell time start-job


$hdusername = Read-Host 'What is your username?'
$hdpassword = Read-Host 'What is your password?' -AsSecureString
$hdpassword = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($hdpassword))

$computers = $richtextbox1.Text.Split("`n") | % { $_.trim() }
foreach ($computer in $computers)
    if ($computer -ne "")
        Start-Job -Name "$computer" -ScriptBlock {
            # your commands here, e.g.
            Param ([string]$comp,

            if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $comp -quiet -Count 1)
                $NOTNULLIFLOCKED = $null
                $NOTNULLIFLOCKED = gwmi -Class win32_process -computername $comp -Filter "Name='LogonUI.exe'"
                if ($NOTNULLIFLOCKED -ne $null)
                    # No Active Session (LogonUI.exe Running)
                    # If LogonUI.exe is running, that means the login box is currently present on the screen.
                    # cmdkey is used to store a username and password for a machine so it with autologin
                    cmdkey /generic:TERMSRV/$comp /user:$User /pass:$Pass
                    & C:\Windows\System32\mstsc.exe "/v:$comp" "/h:768" "/w:1024"
                    sleep 1
                    cmdkey /delete:TERMSRV/$comp
        } -ArgumentList $computer, $hdusername, $hdpassword | out-null

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