公共函数APortfolioReturns(AReturns()为double,weights()为double)作为Double() 出错时转到errHandler
Dim arrData() As Double
Dim TotRows As Long
Dim TotCols As Integer
Dim RowCtr As Long
Dim Colctr As Integer
Dim dblSum As Double
TotRows = UBound(AReturns, 1) - LBound(AReturns, 1) + 1
TotCols = UBound(Weights) - LBound(Weights) + 1
ReDim arrData(1 To TotRows)
For RowCtr = 1 To TotRows
dblSum = 0
For Colctr = 1 To TotCols
dblSum = dblSum + (AReturns(RowCtr, Colctr) * Weights(Colctr))
arrData(RowCtr) = dblSum
APortfolioReturns = arrData()
Exit Function
MsgBox "An error has occurred." & vbCrLf & Err.Description & vbCrLf & CStr(Err.Number)
End Function
I have this 2 arrays and i want to create a new 1 d array as follows:
11 20 45
12 21 48
13 22 48.5
15 23 50
18 27 52
The new array would be as follows:
first row = (11*0.5) + (20*0.3) + (45*0.2)
Second row = (12*0.5) + (21*0.3) + (48*0.2)
third row = (13**0.5) + (22*0.3) + (48.5*0.2) and so on..
But i am not getting the intended result.
Please help me on this multiplication.
代码工作正常。它没有给出任何错误。 我在新数组的所有行中得到的结果均为0。 请帮帮我。