
时间:2011-04-17 23:23:49

标签: exception optimization haskell ghc hunit


module MyLibrary (throwIfNegative) where

throwIfNegative :: Integral i => i -> String
throwIfNegative n | n < 0 = error "negative"
                  | otherwise = "no worries"

我当然可以返回Maybe String或其他一些变体,但我认为用一个负数来调用此函数是一个程序员错误是公平的,所以在这里使用error是合理的。 / p>


import Control.Exception
import Test.HUnit

import MyLibrary

case_negative =
    handleJust errorCalls (const $ return ()) $ do
        evaluate $ throwIfNegative (-1)
        assertFailure "must throw when given a negative number"
  where errorCalls (ErrorCall _) = Just ()

main = runTestTT $ TestCase case_negative


$ ghc --make -O Test.hs
$ ./Test
### Failure:                              
must throw when given a negative number
Cases: 1  Tried: 1  Errors: 0  Failures: 1


  • 删除HUnit并直接调用代码
  • throwIfNegative移至与测试用例相同的模块
  • 删除throwIfNegative
  • 的类型签名


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)

优化,严格和imprecise exceptions可能有点棘手。


import Control.Exception
import Test.HUnit

throwIfNegative :: Int -> String
throwIfNegative n | n < 0     = error "negative"
                  | otherwise = "no worries"
{-# NOINLINE throwIfNegative #-}

case_negative =
    handleJust errorCalls (const $ return ()) $ do
        evaluate $ throwIfNegative (-1)
        assertFailure "must throw when given a negative number"
  where errorCalls (ErrorCall _) = Just ()

main = runTestTT $ TestCase case_negative


      @ ()
      @ SomeException
      (\ _ ->
         case throwIfNegative (I# (-1)) of _ -> ...


lvl_sJb :: String
lvl_sJb = throwIfNegative lvl_sJc

lvl_sJc = I# (-1)

throwIfNegative =
  \ (n_adO :: Int) ->
    case n_adO of _ { I# x_aBb ->
      case <# x_aBb 0 of _ {
         False -> lvl_sCw; True -> error lvl_sCy

奇怪的是,此时,没有其他代码现在调用lvl_sJb,因此整个测试变为死代码,并被剥离 - GHC已确定它未被使用!


case_negative =
    handleJust errorCalls (const $ return ()) $ do
        throwIfNegative (-1) `seq` assertFailure "must throw when given a negative number"
  where errorCalls (ErrorCall _) = Just ()


case_negative =
    handleJust errorCalls (const $ return ()) $ do
        let !x = throwIfNegative (-1)
        assertFailure "must throw when given a negative number"
  where errorCalls (ErrorCall _) = Just ()


-- | Forces its argument to be evaluated to weak head normal form when
-- the resultant 'IO' action is executed. It can be used to order
-- evaluation with respect to other 'IO' operations; its semantics are
-- given by
-- >   evaluate x `seq` y    ==>  y
-- >   evaluate x `catch` f  ==>  (return $! x) `catch` f
-- >   evaluate x >>= f      ==>  (return $! x) >>= f
-- /Note:/ the first equation implies that @(evaluate x)@ is /not/ the
-- same as @(return $! x)@.  A correct definition is
-- >   evaluate x = (return $! x) >>= return
evaluate :: a -> IO a
evaluate a = IO $ \s -> let !va = a in (# s, va #) -- NB. see #2273

#2273 bug是一个非常有趣的读物。


filed a bug report帮助GHC总部做出决定。