
时间:2019-07-10 13:11:26

标签: excel vba


ive试图将数组“ lasSheets(i)和dataPull(i)”设置为sht1和sht2,以便它只能选择索引i处的数组值,但出现“编译器错误:期望的Sub,Function或Property”所以我没有了下一步的想法

 Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Dim source As Workbook
    Dim sht1 As Worksheet
    Dim destination As Workbook
    Dim sht2 As Worksheet
    Dim tmp As String
    Dim startCell As Range
    Dim lastRow As Long
    Dim lastColumn As Long
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim mapDest As String
    Dim mapSrc As String

    setFile = Application.GetOpenFilename   'used to open the browser window
    tmp = setFile                           'store the selected file in variable tmp
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False      'preventing long runtimes

    If Dir(tmp) <> "" Then
    Set destination = ThisWorkbook     'workbook b1 is declared as the current worksheet opened
    Set source = Workbooks.Open(tmp)      'the file the user selected is opened in excel

    Dim lasSheets(1 To 9) As String        'array to list the sheet names

    lasSheets(1) = "L1 OVERVIEW"
    lasSheets(2) = "LAS EFFL RELEASE PARAMS"
    lasSheets(3) = "L1 EAL PARAMS rev4"
    lasSheets(4) = "L1 EAL PARAMS"
    lasSheets(5) = "L1 RAD STATUS"
    lasSheets(6) = "L1 PLANT STATUS"
    lasSheets(7) = "L1 CDAM"
    lasSheets(8) = "L1 ERDS"
    lasSheets(9) = "LAS STATE UPDATES"

    Dim dataPull(1 To 9) As String
    dataPull(1) = "Overview Paste"
    dataPull(2) = "Eff Release Para Paste"
    dataPull(3) = "EAL Rev4 Paste"
    dataPull(4) = "EAL Para Paste"
    dataPull(5) = "Radiological Stat Paste"
    dataPull(6) = "Plant Status Paste"
    dataPull(7) = "CDAM Paste"
    dataPull(8) = "ERDS Paste"  ' blank sheet
    dataPull(9) = "State Updates Paste"   'blank sheet

    For i = 1 To 9
      mapSrc = lasSheets(i)
      mapDest = dataPull(i)
    i = i + 1
     Set sht1 = source.Sheet(mapSrc)            '<-- errors here set sht1 and sht2 to the source and destination worksheets   
     Set sht2 = destination.Sheet(mapDest)  

    Set startCell = sht1.Range("B2")

    'find last row and last column
     lastRow = sht1.Cells(sht1.Rows.Count, startCell.Column).End(xlUp).Row
     lastColumn = sht1.Cells(startCell.Row, sht1.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column

     sht2.Range(startCell, sht1.Cells(lastRow, lastColumn).Address).Copy destination:=sht1.Range("D5")

    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    Next i
    destination.Close True

    Else                                'used to prevent a error message from popping up when the user choose to cancel selecting a file

    End If
    End Sub


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