
时间:2019-07-09 11:42:09

标签: c# performance x86-64 simd avx





  • RayPack结构是一系列(不同的)射线,包装在System.Numerics的Vector中。
  • BoundingBoxPack和CirclePack结构是一个bb /圆圈,包装在System.Numerics的向量中。
  • 使用的CPU是i7-4710HQ(Haswell),具有SSE 4.2,AVX(2)和FMA(3)指令。
  • 以释放模式(64位)运行。该项目在.Net Framework 472中运行。未设置其他选项。


我已经尝试查找某些操作是否受到适当支持(请注意:这些操作适用于c ++。https://fgiesen.wordpress.com/2016/04/03/sse-mind-the-gap/http://sci.tuomastonteri.fi/programming/sse),但似乎并非如此因为我使用的笔记本电脑支持SSE 4.2。


  • 使用更多正确的说明(例如,包装成分钟的包)。
  • 不使用float *向量指令(导致大量其他操作,请参见原始程序集)。



射线代码-> BoundingBox

public bool CollidesWith(Ray ray, out float t)
    // https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/18436/most-efficient-aabb-vs-ray-collision-algorithms
    // r.dir is unit direction vector of ray
    float dirfracx = 1.0f / ray.direction.X;
    float dirfracy = 1.0f / ray.direction.Y;
    // lb is the corner of AABB with minimal coordinates - left bottom, rt is maximal corner
    // r.org is origin of ray
    float t1 = (this.rx.min - ray.origin.X) * dirfracx;
    float t2 = (this.rx.max - ray.origin.X) * dirfracx;
    float t3 = (this.ry.min - ray.origin.Y) * dirfracy;
    float t4 = (this.ry.max - ray.origin.Y) * dirfracy;

    float tmin = Math.Max(Math.Min(t1, t2), Math.Min(t3, t4));
    float tmax = Math.Min(Math.Max(t1, t2), Math.Max(t3, t4));

    // if tmax < 0, ray (line) is intersecting AABB, but the whole AABB is behind us
    if (tmax < 0)
        t = tmax;
        return false;

    // if tmin > tmax, ray doesn't intersect AABB
    if (tmin > tmax)
        t = tmax;
        return false;

    t = tmin;
    return true;

RayPack的代码-> BoundingBoxPack

public Vector<int> CollidesWith(ref RayPack ray, out Vector<float> t)
    // ------------------------------------------------------- \\
    // compute the collision.                                  \\

    Vector<float> dirfracx = Constants.ones / ray.direction.x;
    Vector<float> dirfracy = Constants.ones / ray.direction.y;

    Vector<float> t1 = (this.rx.min - ray.origin.x) * dirfracx;
    Vector<float> t2 = (this.rx.max - ray.origin.x) * dirfracx;
    Vector<float> t3 = (this.ry.min - ray.origin.y) * dirfracy;
    Vector<float> t4 = (this.ry.max - ray.origin.y) * dirfracy;

    Vector<float> tmin = Vector.Max(Vector.Min(t1, t2), Vector.Min(t3, t4));
    Vector<float> tmax = Vector.Min(Vector.Max(t1, t2), Vector.Max(t3, t4));

    Vector<int> lessThanZeroMask = Vector.GreaterThan(tmax, Constants.zeros);
    Vector<int> greaterMask = Vector.LessThan(tmin, tmax);
    Vector<int> combinedMask = Vector.BitwiseOr(lessThanZeroMask, greaterMask);

    // ------------------------------------------------------- \\
    // Keep track of the t's that collided.                    \\

    t = Vector.ConditionalSelect(combinedMask, tmin, Constants.floatMax);

    return combinedMask;


public bool Intersect(Circle other)
    // Step 0: Work everything out on paper!

    // Step 1: Gather all the relevant data.
    float ox = this.origin.X;
    float dx = this.direction.X;

    float oy = this.origin.Y;
    float dy = this.direction.Y;

    float x0 = other.origin.X;
    float y0 = other.origin.Y;
    float cr = other.radius;

    // Step 2: compute the substitutions.
    float p = ox - x0;
    float q = oy - y0;

    float r = 2 * p * dx;
    float s = 2 * q * dy;

    // Step 3: compute the substitutions, check if there is a collision.
    float a = dx * dx + dy * dy;
    float b = r + s;
    float c = p * p + q * q - cr * cr;

    float DSqrt = b * b - 4 * a * c;

    // no collision possible! Commented out to make the benchmark more fair
    //if (DSqrt < 0)
    //{ return false; }

    // Step 4: compute the substitutions.
    float D = (float)Math.Sqrt(DSqrt);

    float t0 = (-b + D) / (2 * a);
    float t1 = (-b - D) / (2 * a);

    float ti = Math.Min(t0, t1);
    if(ti > 0 && ti < t)
        t = ti;
        return true;

    return false;

RayPack的代码-> CirclePack 未经编辑的原始代码可以在https://pastebin.com/87nYgZrv

public Vector<int> Intersect(CirclePack other)
    // ------------------------------------------------------- \\
    // Put all the data on the stack.                          \\

    Vector<float> zeros = Constants.zeros;
    Vector<float> twos = Constants.twos;
    Vector<float> fours = Constants.fours;

    // ------------------------------------------------------- \\
    // Compute whether the ray collides with the circle. This  \\
    // is stored in the 'mask' vector.                         \\

    Vector<float> p = this.origin.x - other.origin.x; ;
    Vector<float> q = this.origin.y - other.origin.y;

    Vector<float> r = twos * p * this.direction.x;
    Vector<float> s = twos * q * this.direction.y; ;

    Vector<float> a = this.direction.x * this.direction.x + this.direction.y * this.direction.y;
    Vector<float> b = r + s;
    Vector<float> c = p * p + q * q - other.radius * other.radius;

    Vector<float> DSqrt = b * b - fours * a * c;

    Vector<int> maskCollision = Vector.GreaterThan(DSqrt, zeros);

    // Commented out to make the benchmark more fair.
    //if (Vector.Dot(maskCollision, maskCollision) == 0)
    //{ return maskCollision; }

    // ------------------------------------------------------- \\
    // Update t if and only if there is a collision. Take      \\
    // note of the conditional where we compute t.             \\

    Vector<float> D = Vector.SquareRoot(DSqrt);

    Vector<float> bMinus = Vector.Negate(b);
    Vector<float> twoA = twos * a;
    Vector<float> t0 = (bMinus + D) / twoA;
    Vector<float> t1 = (bMinus - D) / twoA;
    Vector<float> tm = Vector.ConditionalSelect(Vector.LessThan(t1, t0), t1, t0);

    Vector<int> maskBiggerThanZero = Vector.GreaterThan(tm, zeros);
    Vector<int> maskSmallerThanT = Vector.LessThan(tm, this.t);

    Vector<int> mask = Vector.BitwiseAnd(

    this.t = Vector.ConditionalSelect(
        mask,                                                           // the bit mask that allows us to choose.
        tm,                                                             // the smallest of the t's.
        t);                                                             // if the bit mask is false (0), then we get our original t.

    return mask;





Circle / CirclePack的结果(已更新):

|             Method |     Mean |     Error |    StdDev |
|------------------- |---------:|----------:|----------:|
|       Intersection | 9.710 ms | 0.0540 ms | 0.0505 ms |
| IntersectionPacked | 3.296 ms | 0.0055 ms | 0.0051 ms |

BoundingBox / BoundingBoxPacked的结果:

|             Method |      Mean |     Error |    StdDev |
|------------------- |----------:|----------:|----------:|
|       Intersection | 24.269 ms | 0.2663 ms | 0.2491 ms |
| IntersectionPacked |  1.152 ms | 0.0229 ms | 0.0264 ms |x

由于采用了AVX,因此预计速度会提高6到8倍左右。边界框的加速是 significant ,而圆的加速却很低。


关于Peter Cordes的编辑(评论)

  • 使基准更加公平:单射线版本不会在射线不再碰撞时提早分支。现在,速度大约是2.5倍。
  • 将汇编代码添加为单独的标题。
  • 关于平方根:这确实有影响,但影响不大。去除向量平方根可将总时间减少约0.3ms。现在,单射线代码也总是执行平方根。
  • 有关C#中的FMA(融合乘法加法)的问题。我认为它适用于标量(请参见Can C# make use of fused multiply-add?),但在System.Numerics.Vector结构中找不到类似的操作。
  • 关于打包分钟的C#指令:是的。傻我我什至已经用过了。

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