
时间:2019-07-09 08:00:20

标签: swift


extension Double {
  func toPercentage() -> Int {
    var mutableSelf = self
    var twoDigits = Double(round(1000*mutableSelf)/1000)
    return Int(twoDigits) * 100

在线var twoDigits = Double(round(1000*mutableSelf)/1000)编译器抛出红色-Cannot use mutating member on immutable value: 'self' is immutable

但是我确实将自己重新分配给mutableSelf变量。 Double是一个结构,它不是引用类型,为什么会出现错误?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

由于扩展名为 db = get_db() # Dumping to log to check if the db actually has the row cur_e = db.execute('SELECT user_id, user_email FROM cld_user') ie = cur_e.fetchall() for i in ie: print "ID: {} | Email: {}".format(i[0], i[1]) print "end of ID dump" print user_email # The above code does print out the row (even after hitting the back button) try: # This block however, fails when user submits the form after hitting the back button print "Trying" cur_ps = db.execute('SELECT user_id, user_uid FROM cld_user \ WHERE user_email = ?', [user_email]) user_id = cur_ps.fetchone()[0] user_uid = cur_ps.fetchone()[1] print "Row exists" flash(user_id, "success") except Exception: print "Exception" cur_p = db.execute('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO cld_user \ (user_uid, user_name, user_email, user_contact) \ VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)', [user_uid, user_name, user_email, user_contact]) user_id = cur_p.lastrowid print "No row exists" flash(user_id, "success") ,因此即使调用不匹配其签名,编译器也会将Double推断为round()的{​​{3}}方法。此行为已报告为错误:



或更妙的是,使用extension Double { func toPercentage() -> Int { let twoDigits = Darwin.round(1000*self)/1000 return Int(twoDigits * 100) } } 方法:



extension Double {
    func toPercentage() -> Int {
        let twoDigits = (1000*self).rounded()/1000
        return Int(twoDigits * 100)

答案 1 :(得分:1)

extension Double {
    func toPercentage() -> Int {
        let twoDigits = Double((1000 * self / 1000).rounded())
        return Int(twoDigits) * 100