如何为分页REST API做“实际页面”

时间:2019-07-09 03:04:35

标签: javascript node.js express

我正在制作具有无限滚动和常规分页功能的RESTful API。所以我想提供[ElementsCount,TotalPages,Skip(或Offset),Limit,hasMoreElements?,“ ActualPage”)。


我尝试了这个: 举个例子。我没有对数字进行硬编码...

import numpy as np

def raytrace(v0, v1):
    # The equation of the ray is v = v0 + t*d
    d = v1 - v0
    inc = np.sign(d)  # Gives the quadrant in which the ray progress

    # Rounding coordinates give us the current tile
    tile = np.array(np.round(v0), dtype=int)
    tiles = [tile]
    v = v0
    endtile = np.array(np.round(v1), dtype=int)

    # Continue as long as we are not in the last tile
    while np.max(np.abs(endtile - v)) > 0.5:
        # L = (Lx, Ly) where Lx is the x coordinate of the next vertical
        # line and Ly the y coordinate of the next horizontal line
        L = tile + 0.5*inc

        # Solve the equation v + d*t == L for t, simultaneously for the next
        # horizontal line and vertical line
        t = (L - v)/d

        if t[0] < t[1]:  # The vertical line is intersected first
            tile[0] += inc[0]
            v += t[0]*d
        else:  # The horizontal line is intersected first
            tile[1] += inc[1]
            v += t[1]*d


    return tiles


ElemetsCount = 17
Limit = 4
Pages = 5
Skip = 8

actualPage = skip + limit / pages

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