我正在使用Send single email with values from all new rows in a spreadsheet (Google Script / GAS)将邮件从新行的工作表发送到给定的地址。现在,我喜欢使用当前行中的邮件地址。我也想在邮件消息中包含指向文档的链接...
function sendEmail() {
//setup function
var ActiveSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
var StartRow = 3;
var RowRange = ActiveSheet.getLastRow() - StartRow + 1;
var WholeRange = ActiveSheet.getRange(StartRow,1,RowRange,22);
var AllValues = WholeRange.getValues();
//iterate loop
for (i in AllValues) {
//set current row
var CurrentRow = AllValues[i];
//set subject line
var Subject = "Neu für " + CurrentRow[1] + ": "+ CurrentRow[2] + " für " + CurrentRow[3];
//set HTML template for information
var message =
"<p><b>Ressort: </b>" + CurrentRow[1] + "</p>" +
"<p><b>Textart: </b>" + CurrentRow[2] + "</p>" +
"<p><b>Domain: </b>" + CurrentRow[3] + "</p>" +
"<p><b>Thema: </b>" + CurrentRow[4] + "</p>" +
"<p><b>fertig bis: </b>" + CurrentRow[15] + "</p>";
//define column to check if sent
var EmailSent = CurrentRow[0];
//define who to send grants to
var SendTo = "xxx@yyy.com" + "," + "xxx@zzz.yyy.com";
//if row has not been sent, then...
if (EmailSent != "gesendet") {
//set the row to look at
var setRow = parseInt(i) + StartRow;
//mark row as "sent"
ActiveSheet.getRange(setRow, 1).setValue("gesendet");
//send the actual email
to: SendTo,
cc: "",
subject: Subject,
htmlBody: message,
答案 0 :(得分:0)
function sendEmail() {
var ActiveSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
var StartRow = 3;
var RowRange = ActiveSheet.getLastRow() - StartRow + 1;
var WholeRange = ActiveSheet.getRange(StartRow,1,RowRange,23);//Added a new column for recipient email address
var AllValues = WholeRange.getValues();
for (var i=0;i<AllValues.length;i++) {
var CurrentRow = AllValues[i];
var Subject = "Neu für " + CurrentRow[1] + ": "+ CurrentRow[2] + " für " + CurrentRow[3];
var message = "<p><b>Ressort: </b>" + CurrentRow[1] + "</p>" + "<p><b>Textart: </b>" + CurrentRow[2] + "</p>" + "<p><b>Domain: </b>" + CurrentRow[3] + "</p>" + "<p><b>Thema: </b>" + CurrentRow[4] + "</p>" + "<p><b>fertig bis: </b>" + CurrentRow[15] + "</p>";
var EmailSent = CurrentRow[0];
var SendTo = (CurrentRow[22])?CurrentRow[22]:"xxx@yyy.com" + "," + "xxx@zzz.yyy.com";//conditional (ternary) operator. If CurrentRow[22] is there then use it otherwise use your default.
if (EmailSent != "gesendet") {
var setRow = parseInt(i) + StartRow;
ActiveSheet.getRange(setRow, 1).setValue("gesendet");
MailApp.sendEmail({to: SendTo,cc: "",subject: Subject,htmlBody: message});