目前,共享应用程序“ UIActivityItemSource”中返回的活动类型为“ com.apple.UIKit.activity.RemoteOpenInApplication-ByCopy”。
例如,如果它是Notes应用程序,则活动类型为“ com.apple.mobilenotes.SharingExtension”。如何注册共享应用可以接收的唯一活动类型?
Example of how the other developers would be sharing data to my app
after calling UIActivityViewController with this OtherDevelopersAppActivityItemSource
class OtherDevelopersAppActivityItemSource: NSObject, UIActivityItemSource {
func activityViewController(_ activityViewController: UIActivityViewController, itemForActivityType activityType: UIActivityType?) -> Any?
guard let _activityType = activityType else { return nil }
// this is probably my app that the user has selected??
if _activityType.rawValue == "com.apple.UIKit.activity.RemoteOpenInApplication-ByCopy" {
return "a large amount of data from the other developers app for my app"
else {
return nil