最近,我开始使用Tkinter作为Raspberry Pi的显示方式。我仍然习惯于放置和试验网格和绝对定位。但是我遇到了一个问题。
from tkinter import Tk, Canvas, NW, NE, SW, CENTER
from tkinter.ttk import Frame, Label, Style
from PIL import ImageTk, Image
gui = Tk()
gui.attributes('-fullscreen', True)
gui.configure(background = 'black',cursor ='none')
canvas = Canvas(gui, width = 1920, height = 1080, bg ='black',highlightthickness=0)
img5 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open('../icons/Asset7.png'))
im5 = canvas.create_image(100,100, image = img5, anchor = NW)
img9 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open('../icons/Asset14.png')
im9 = canvas.create_image(100,100, image = img9, anchor = NE)
这里是一个例子。 Asset7位于屏幕的正确部分,其中Asset 14由于某种原因从屏幕左边框后面开始。根据此图像,正确的定位应表现出不同的Tkinker Anchors 我很困惑可能是什么原因造成的。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
对于画布,假设canvas = tk.Canvas(...)
The Top Left is (0,0),
the Bottom Right is (canvas.winfo_width(), canvas.winfo_height())
我找不到将对象“捕捉”到角落,中点等的内置内容。 下面的代码使罗盘点包装器功能可以将项目捕捉到预定义的位置。或根据比例将其捕捉到“画布”中任何位置的功能。需要on_resize回调,即使Canvas也不改变大小,因为通常在绘制画布之前指定id对象。
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
canvas = tk.Canvas(root)
# canvas changes size with the root.
root.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
root.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
def snap(parent, id, x_fact, y_fact, anchor = tk.CENTER ):
""" parent - tk.Canvas widget
id canvas object id
x_fact & y_fact: floats 0. to 1. 0 is N/W, 1. is S/E
anchor is the anchor point on the object.
def on_resize( ev ):
""" Callback for Configure event """
x = int( ev.width * x_fact )
y = int( ev.height * y_fact )
parent.coords( id, x, y )
parent.itemconfigure( id, anchor = anchor )
x = int( parent.winfo_width() * x_fact )
y = int( parent.winfo_height() * y_fact )
parent.coords( id, x, y )
parent.bind( '<Configure>', on_resize, add='+' )
return id
def snap_to( x_fact, y_fact, anchor = tk.CENTER ):
""" Returns a function which snaps to a named location. """
def func( parent, id ):
return snap( parent, id, x_fact, y_fact, anchor )
return func
snap_NW = snap_to( 0, 0, tk.NW )
snap_N = snap_to( 0.5, 0 , tk.N )
snap_NE = snap_to( 1, 0, tk.NE )
snap_W = snap_to( 0, 0.5, tk.W )
snap_C = snap_to( 0.5, 0.5, tk.CENTER )
snap_E = snap_to( 1, 0.5, tk.E )
snap_SW = snap_to( 0, 1, tk.SW )
snap_S = snap_to( 0.5, 1, tk.S )
snap_SE = snap_to( 1, 1, tk.SE )
test0 = canvas.create_text( 0, 0, text=' SE ')
snap_SE(canvas, test0)
test1 = snap_E(canvas, canvas.create_text( 0, 0, text=' East '))
snap_N(canvas, canvas.create_text( 0, 0, text=' North '))
snap_NW(canvas, canvas.create_text( 0, 0, text=' NW '))
snap_NE(canvas, canvas.create_text( 0, 0, text=' NE '))
snap_W(canvas, canvas.create_text( 0, 0, text=' West '))
snap_C(canvas, canvas.create_text( 0, 0, text=' Centre '))
snap_SW(canvas, canvas.create_text( 0, 0, text=' SW '))
snap_S(canvas, canvas.create_text( 0, 0, text=' South '))
snap( canvas,
canvas.create_text( 0, 0, text=' Quarters '),
0.25, 0.25)
# Named constants for tuples of function parameters.
CEN = ( 0.5, 0.5, tk.CENTER ) # tk.CENTER is the default and could be omitted
SE = ( 1., 1., tk.SE )
# Call snap with the constants setting the three last parameters.
snap( canvas, canvas.create_text( 0, 0, text=' Centre '), *CEN )
snap( canvas, canvas.create_text( 0, 0, text=' SE '), *SE )