
时间:2019-07-04 09:57:33

标签: c# selenium

I have different Test classes in different Testfiles, I want to create different Extent reports for each test files, right now only one report is generated which is overridden. I am using AventStack.ExtentReports.

    公共静态ExtentHtmlReporter htmlReporter;             公共静态ExtentReports范围;

        public ExtentManager()

        public static ExtentReports GetInstance()
            if (extent == null)

                string reportpath = "\\Reports\\Report.html";

                htmlReporter = new ExtentHtmlReporter(reportpath);
                htmlReporter.Configuration().Theme = Theme.Dark;

                extent = new ExtentReports();

                extent.AddSystemInfo("Host Name", "ABC");
                extent.AddSystemInfo("Environment", "Test QA");
                extent.AddSystemInfo("Username", "XYZ");

                htmlReporter.LoadConfig("extent-config.xml"); //Get the config.xml file 
            return extent;
public testclass1
     ExtentReports rep;
     ExtentTest test;
     public testclass()
        rep = ExtentManager.GetInstance();
   public void TestMethod1()
            test = rep.CreateTest("LoginPage");
            test.Log(Status.Info, "Starting test");
            //My Login method to login in the app

public testclass2
    ExtentReports rep;
     ExtentTest test;
     public testclass()
        rep = ExtentManager.GetInstance();
   public void TestMethod2()
            test = rep.CreateTest("userblock");
            test.Log(Status.Info, "Starting test");
            //My userblockmethod

//创建一个覆盖它的报告,并给出最后执行的测试类的报告 结果-
testclass1Report.html testclass2Report.html

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