对此有何建议?以下是我使用的代码: 我应该添加什么以将图像放置在UILabel的开头?我以为imageBehindText:false可以修复它,但是没有。
extension UILabel {
This function adding image with text on label.
- parameter text: The text to add
- parameter image: The image to add
- parameter imageBehindText: A boolean value that indicate if the imaga is behind text or not
- parameter keepPreviousText: A boolean value that indicate if the function keep the actual text or not
func addTextWithImage(text: String, image: UIImage, imageBehindText: Bool, keepPreviousText: Bool) {
let lAttachment = NSTextAttachment()
lAttachment.image = image
// 1pt = 1.32px
let lFontSize = round(self.font.pointSize * 1.20) // rounded dot should be smaller than font
let lRatio = image.size.width / image.size.height
lAttachment.bounds = CGRect(x: 0, y: ((self.font.capHeight - lFontSize) / 2).rounded(), width: lRatio * lFontSize, height: lFontSize)
let lAttachmentString = NSAttributedString(attachment: lAttachment)
if imageBehindText {
let lStrLabelText: NSMutableAttributedString
if keepPreviousText, let lCurrentAttributedString = self.attributedText {
lStrLabelText = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: lCurrentAttributedString)
lStrLabelText.append(NSMutableAttributedString(string: text))
} else {
lStrLabelText = NSMutableAttributedString(string: text)
self.attributedText = lStrLabelText
} else {
let lStrLabelText: NSMutableAttributedString
if keepPreviousText, let lCurrentAttributedString = self.attributedText {
lStrLabelText = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: lCurrentAttributedString)
lStrLabelText.append(NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: lAttachmentString))
lStrLabelText.append(NSMutableAttributedString(string: text))
} else {
lStrLabelText = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: lAttachmentString)
lStrLabelText.append(NSMutableAttributedString(string: text))
self.attributedText = lStrLabelText
答案 0 :(得分:1)
只需在函数调用中设置文本,“ false”值将触发在uilabel开头设置图像。
// This is what I tried first!
label.addTextWithImage(text: "",
image: UIImage(named: embededIcon)!,
imageBehindText: false, // note! This is false.
keepPreviousText: true) // this was the problem!
label.addTextWithImage(text: "putYourLabelTextHere!", // You have to put text here, even if it's already in storyboard.
image: UIImage(named: embededIcon)!,
imageBehindText: false,
keepPreviousText: false) // false, so the image will be set before text!