//declaration order type
const OrderType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: "Order",
fields: () => ({
id: { type: GraphQLID },
dateInsert: { type: GraphQLString },
signature: { type: GraphQLString },
symbol: { type: GraphQLString },
details: { type: GraphQLString },
closed: { type: GraphQLBoolean },
documentStatus: { type: GraphQLInt },
clientId: { type: GraphQLID },
traderId: { type: GraphQLID },
addressId: { type: GraphQLID },
addressOutId: { type: GraphQLID },
client: {
type: ClientType,
resolve(parent, args) {
return Client.findOne({
where: {
id: parent.clientId
address: {
type: AddressType,
resolve(parent, args) {
return Address.findOne({
where: {
id: parent.addressId
address2: {
type: AddressType,
resolve(parent, args) {
return Address.findOne({
where: {
id: parent.addressOutId
trader: {
type: TraderType,
resolve(parent, args) {
return Trader.findOne({
where: {
id: parent.traderId
items: {
type: new GraphQLList(ItemType),
resolve(parent, args) {
return Item.findAll({
where: {
itemId: parent.id
// numberOfDocumentInvoice: { type: GraphQLInt }
//my root query
const RootQuery = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: "RootQueryType",
fields: {
order: {
type: OrderType,
args: { id: { type: GraphQLID } },
resolve(parent, args) {
return Order.findOne({
where: {
id: args.id
client: {
type: ClientType,
args: { id: { type: GraphQLID } },
resolve(parent, args) {
return Client.findOne({
where: {
id: args.id
orders: {
type: new GraphQLList(OrderType),
resolve(parent, args) {
return Order.findAll({
include: [
{ model: Client, required: true },
{ model: Address },
{ model: Trader, required: true, include: [{ model: User }] },
model: Item,
required: true,
include: [
model: Assortment,
required: true,
include: [
{ model: Kind, required: true },
{ model: Type, required: true }
where: {
symbol: {
[Op.or]: ["ZK", "FP"]
dateInsert: { [Op.gte]: "2019-06-01" }
order: [["id", "DESC"]]
clients: {
type: new GraphQLList(ClientType),
resolve(parent, args) {
return Client.findAll();
//associations in order.js model
Order.belongsTo(Client, { foreignKey: "clientId" });
Client.hasOne(Order, { foreignKey: "clientId" });
Order.belongsTo(Trader, { foreignKey: "traderId" });
Trader.hasOne(Order, { foreignKey: "traderId" });
Order.belongsTo(Address, {
foreignKey: { [Op.or]: ["addressId", "addressOutId"] }
Address.hasOne(Order, {
foreignKey: { [Op.or]: ["addressId", "addressOutId"] }
const sqlQuery = `SELECT d.id
,d.DataWprowadzenia AS dateInsert
,podmiot.Nazwa AS client
,d.NumerWewnetrzny_PelnaSygnatura AS signature
,d.Symbol AS symbol
,asortyment.Symbol AS code
,asortyment.Nazwa AS assortment
,grupa.Nazwa AS type
,rodzaj.Symbol AS kind
,pozycje.Ilosc AS quantity
,pozycje.Cena_NettoPoRabacie AS price
,pozycje.Wartosc_NettoPoRabacie AS netValue
,d.Uwagi AS details
,d.Zamkniety AS closed
,d.StatusDokumentuId AS documentStatus
,adres.LiniaCalosc AS deliveryAddress
,uzytkownicy.Login AS trader
,pozycje.NumerReferencyjny AS itemId
,dokument_realizujacy.DokumentyRealizujace_Id AS numberOfDocumentInvoice
FROM [Nexo_Goodmarks].[ModelDanychContainer].[Dokumenty] d
INNER JOIN [Nexo_Goodmarks].[ModelDanychContainer].[AdresHistorie] adres
ON d.MiejsceDostawyId = adres.Id or d.MiejsceDostawyZewnetrzneId = adres.Id
INNER JOIN [Nexo_Goodmarks].[ModelDanychContainer].[PodmiotHistorie] podmiot
ON d.PodmiotWybranyId = podmiot.Id
INNER JOIN [Nexo_Goodmarks].[ModelDanychContainer].[PozycjeDokumentu] pozycje
ON d.Id = pozycje.Dokument_Id
INNER JOIN (Select * FROM [Nexo_Goodmarks].[ModelDanychContainer].[Asortymenty] WHERE Symbol <> 'TRANSPORT IN POST' and Symbol <> 'TRANSPORT') asortyment
ON pozycje.AsortymentAktualnyId = asortyment.Id
INNER JOIN [Nexo_Goodmarks].[ModelDanychContainer].[RodzajeAsortymentu] rodzaj
ON asortyment.Rodzaj_Id = rodzaj.Id
INNER JOIN [Nexo_Goodmarks].[ModelDanychContainer].[GrupyAsortymentu] grupa
ON asortyment.Grupa_Id = grupa.Id
INNER JOIN [Nexo_Goodmarks].[ModelDanychContainer].[OpiekunowiePodmiotu] opiekunowie
ON d.PodmiotId = opiekunowie.PodmiotOpiekunaPodstawowego_Id
INNER JOIN [Nexo_Goodmarks].[ModelDanychContainer].[Uzytkownicy] uzytkownicy
ON uzytkownicy.Id = opiekunowie.UzytkownikId
LEFT OUTER JOIN [Nexo_Goodmarks].[ModelDanychContainer].[DokumentDokument] dokument_realizujacy
ON dokument_realizujacy.[DokumentyRealizowane_Id] = d.Id
WHERE (d.Symbol = 'ZK' or d.Symbol = 'FP') and (d.DataWprowadzenia >= '2019-06-01')