Raw data:
ItemNum Item Plant
1 apple rightplant
2 orange leftplant
2 grape rightplant
1 apple left plant
Expected outcome:
ItemNum Item Plant PlantBoth
1 apple rightplant Y
2 orange leftplant N
2 grape rightplant N
1 apple left plant Y
Select mi.ItemNum, mi.Item, mi.Plant,
(Select plant from myitems where itemnum = mi.itemnum and count(plant) > 1) as Plantboth
from myitems mi
答案 0 :(得分:1)
select i.*,
(case when min(plant) over (partition by itemnum, item) <>
max(plant) over (partition by itemnum, item)
then 'Y'
else 'N'
end) as PlantBoth
from myitems i;
答案 1 :(得分:0)
--Create test data
declare @data table( itemNum int, Item varchar(20), Plant varchar(20))
insert into @data (itemNum, Item, Plant)
select 1, 'apple','rightplant' union
select 2, 'orange','rightplant' union
select 2, 'grape','leftplant' union
select 1, 'apple','leftplant'
--A left join returns all data from D1 and optionally D2 if there is a match.
--The case statement looks to see if there is a match.
select d1.*,
case when d2.itemNum is null then 'N' else 'Y' end as [Match]
from @data D1
left join @data D2
on d1.itemNum = d2.itemNum and d1.Item = D2.item and d1.plant != d2.plant
答案 2 :(得分:0)
case g.counter when 2 then 'Y' else 'N' end plantboth
from myitems m inner join (
select itemnum, item, count(distinct plant) counter
from myitems
group by itemnum, item
) g on g.itemnum = m.itemnum and g.item = m.item