无法在Angular 7 Bingmap(x-map)中绘制折线

时间:2019-07-02 10:09:28

标签: typescript angular7 bing-maps polyline

我试图在Angular 7中的bingmap上绘制一条折线,但是我能够加载地图并能够创建一个标记,但是折线没有创建。 我已经在Google上搜索,但找不到解决方法。



/// <reference path="../../node_modules/bingmaps/types/MicrosoftMaps/Microsoft.Maps.All.d.ts" />
----other module
import {
  BingMapAPILoaderConfig, BingMapAPILoader, MapPolylineDirective
} from 'angular-maps';

----other module

  declarations: [MapBingComponent],
  imports: [MapModule.forRootBing()],
entryComponents: [],
  exports: [],
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
export function BingMapServiceProviderFactory() {
  let bc: BingMapAPILoaderConfig = new BingMapAPILoaderConfig();
  bc.apiKey = "my-key";
  // replace with your bing map key
  // the usage of this key outside this plunker is illegal. 
  bc.branch = "experimental";
  // to use the experimental bing brach. There are some bug fixes for
  // clustering in that branch you will need if you want to use 
  // clustering.
  return new BingMapAPILoader(bc, new WindowRef(), new DocumentRef());
<x-map #xmap [Options]="_options" [Box]="_box">
<x-map-polyline [Paths]="path" [StrokeColor]="blue" [StrokeWeight]="10"></x-map-polyline>

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Configuration } from '../app.constants';
import {
    IMapOptions, ILatLong
} from 'angular-maps';

/// <reference path="bingmaps/types/MicrosoftMaps/Microsoft.Maps.All.d.ts" />

let PathData: Array<any> = null;

    selector: 'virtuoso-map-bing',
  templateUrl: './map-bing.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./map-bing.component.scss']

export class MapBingComponent implements OnInit {
  path: Array<ILatLong> | Array<Array<ILatLong>>;
  constructor() {
    this.path = [{ latitude: -27.153, longitude: 152.9778 },
      { latitude: -27.409, longitude: 153.0763 }

  ngOnInit() {

  _options: IMapOptions = {
    disableBirdseye: false,
    disableStreetside: false,
    navigationBarMode: 2,
    showMapTypeSelector: true,
    showCopyright: false,
    disableZooming: false,
    showDashboard: true,



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