我们有2000多个地图点可以绘制openlayers(5.3.2)地图。性能是一个大问题,因为我们是: *创建矢量层, *为每个点添加一个特征(用于工具提示的位置), *为每个点添加一个叠加层(对于根据每个点的标志应用css类“ blink_me”的材质图标), *在鼠标悬停时添加一个叠加层,以显示工具提示,动态填充该悬停位置上检测到的功能所特有的任何数据。
您似乎曾经能够在openlayers 2(OpenLayers: Adding a (css-)class to a marker?)中将imageDiv上的className设置回去,所以类似的东西很完美。
// map pin that used to be set on overlay
const divelement = document.createElement('i');
divelement.classList.add('material-icons', 'text-outline');
if (element[4]) { divelement.classList.add('blink_me'); }
divelement.innerHTML = 'place';
divelement.style.fontSize = '32px';
divelement.style.width = '32px';
divelement.style.height = '32px';
divelement.style.color = element[3];
// feature containing location, styles etc
const pointFeature = new Feature({
name: 'myFeature',
geometry: point,
index: element[2]
// Feature style without that "blink_me" class added and using an image, rather than a material icon font letter.
// I'd look at moving the feature style back to the actual feature away from the vector layer like so if I can set a class on each feature style according to a flag.
new Style({
image: new Icon(/** @type {module:ol/style/Icon~Options} */{
anchor: [0.5, 0.96],
color: element[3],
crossOrigin: 'anonymous',
src: 'assets/outline_place_black_18dp.png'