C ++按字母顺序对向量中的字符串进行排序

时间:2019-06-30 23:24:49

标签: c++ sorting



因此在此程序中,我有一个uniqueInsurances的向量,而这些向量又有一个注册者的向量。我想以此登记人的名字按姓氏(第3行)按字母顺序排序,因此,如果uniqueInsurances [0] .name是Aetna,则uniqueInsurances [0] .enrollees []的Kyle Borris将列在Nate Matthews之前。现在,我将其存储在Kyle Borris之前列出的Nate Matthews中。


struct enrollee
    string userid = "";
    string fname = "";
    string lname = "";
    string insurance = "";
    string version = "";

struct uniqueInsurance
    string name = "";
    int numEnrollees = 0;
    vector <enrollee> enrollVector;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


std::vector<enrollee> enrollees;
// read them from csv file
std::sort( enrollees.begin(), enrollees.end(), []( const enrollee &e1, const enrollee &e2 ) {
    return std::tie( e1.insurance, e1.fname, e1.lname ) < std::tie( e2.insurance, e2.fname, e2.lname );
} );
std::string insurance;
std::ofstream out;
for( const auto &e : enrollees ) {
    if( insurance != e.insurance ) {
        insurance = e.insurance;
        out.open( insurance + ".csv" );
    out << e.fname << ',' << e.lname << std::endl;


答案 1 :(得分:0)


Original question



#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <regex>

struct Enrollee
    // Data
    std::string userid{};
    std::string fname{};
    std::string lname{};
    std::string insurance{};
    std::string version{};

    // Overload Extractor Operator to read data from somewhere
    friend std::istream& operator >> (std::istream &is, Enrollee& e) {
        std::vector<std::string> wordsInLine{};       // Here we will store all words that we read in onle line;
        std::string wholeLine;                        // Temporary storage for the complete line that we will get by getline
        std::regex separator("[ \\;\\,]"); ;          // Separator for a CSV file
        std::getline(is, wholeLine);                  // Read one complete line and split it into parts
        std::copy(std::sregex_token_iterator(wholeLine.begin(), wholeLine.end(), separator, -1), std::sregex_token_iterator(), std::back_inserter(wordsInLine));
        // If we have read all expted strings, then store them in our struct
        if (wordsInLine.size() == 5) {
            e.userid = wordsInLine[0];
            e.fname = wordsInLine[1];
            e.lname = wordsInLine[2];
            e.insurance = wordsInLine[3];
            e.version = wordsInLine[4];
        return is;

    // Overload Inserter operator. Insert data into output stream
    friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const Enrollee& e) {
        return os << "userid is:    " << e.userid << "\nfname is:     " << e.fname << "\nlname is:     " << e.lname << "\ninsurance is: " << e.insurance << "\nversion is:   " << e.version << '\n';

int main()
    // Her we will store all Enrollee data in a dynamic growing vector
    std::vector<Enrollee> enrollmentData{};

    // Define inputFileStream and open the csv
    std::ifstream inputFileStream("r:\\input.csv");

    // If we could open the file
    if (inputFileStream) 

        // Then read all csv data
        std::copy(std::istream_iterator<Enrollee>(inputFileStream), std::istream_iterator<Enrollee>(), std::back_inserter(enrollmentData));

        // Sort the data
        std:sort(enrollmentData.begin(),enrollmentData.end(),[](const Enrollee& left, const Enrollee& right){return left.lname < right.lname;});

        // For Debug Purposes: Print all data to cout
        std::copy(enrollmentData.begin(), enrollmentData.end(), std::ostream_iterator<Enrollee>(std::cout, "\n"));
    else {
        std::cerr << "Could not open file 'input.csv'\n";