我有这个model.py错误吗? 它将替换内置的用户模型。
在def UserManager的user_obj.save(using = self._db)行中检测到错误
并在def行中create_superuser user = self.create_user( 电子邮件, last_name =姓氏, first_name =名字, 密码=密码, )
似乎不喜欢我的带有日期值的timestamp属性? 谢谢
from django.db import models
from django.utils import timezone
from django.contrib.auth.models import (
BaseUserManager, AbstractBaseUser
class UserManager(BaseUserManager):
def create_user(self, email, last_name, first_name, password=None, is_active=True, is_staff=False, is_admin=False):
Creates and saves a User with the given email and password.
if not email:
raise ValueError('Users must have an email address')
if not password:
raise ValueError('Users must have a password')
user_obj = self.model(
user_obj.set_password(password) # change user password
user_obj.first_name = first_name
user_obj.last_name = last_name
user_obj.staff = is_staff
user_obj.admin = is_admin
user_obj.active = is_active
return user_obj
def create_staffuser(self, email, password):
Creates and saves a staff user with the given email and password.
user = self.create_user(
user.staff = True
return user
def create_superuser(self, email,last_name, first_name, password):
Creates and saves a superuser with the given email and password.
user = self.create_user(
user.staff = True
user.admin = True
return user
class User(AbstractBaseUser):
email = models.EmailField(
verbose_name='email address',
first_name = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=False, null=False)
last_name = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=False, null=False)
active = models.BooleanField(default=True)
staff = models.BooleanField(default=False) # a admin user; non super-user
admin = models.BooleanField(default=False) # a superuser
timestamp = models.DateTimeField(default=timezone.now)
confirmedEmail = models.BooleanField(default=False) # Check if user is valid
confirmedDate = models.DateTimeField(default=False) # Check if user is valid
# notice the absence of a "Password field", that's built in.
REQUIRED_FIELDS = ['first_name', 'last_name'] # Email & Password are required by default.
def get_full_name(self):
# The user is identified by their email address
return "%s %s" % (self.first_name, self.last_name)
def get_short_name(self):
# The user is identified by their email address
return self.email
def __str__(self): # __unicode__ on Python 2
return self.email
def has_perm(self, perm, obj=None):
"Does the user have a specific permission?"
# Simplest possible answer: Yes, always
return True
def has_module_perms(self, app_label):
"Does the user have permissions to view the app `app_label`?"
# Simplest possible answer: Yes, always
return True
def is_staff(self):
"Is the user a member of staff?"
return self.staff
def is_admin(self):
"Is the user a admin member?"
return self.admin
def is_active(self):
"Is the user active?"
return self.active
objects = UserManager()
答案 0 :(得分:0)
confirmedDate = models.DateTimeField(default = False)
它不能为default = false,因为它是一个日期字段。好的答案是: ConfirmedDate = models.DateTimeField(null = True,空白= True)