我正在使用Google的Dialogflow NLP创建聊天机器人。在node.js中,我将导入dialogflow和dialogflow实现库,以处理Lambda函数中的自定义逻辑。这是通过webhook调用的,当Dialogflow拾取用户提供的意图时将调用该webhook。
const serverless = require('serverless-http');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const express = require('express');
const dialogflow = require('dialogflow');
const app = express();
app.use(bodyParser.json({ strict: false}));
const { WebhookClient, Payload, Image, Card, Suggestion } = require('dialogflow-fulfillment');
const req = require('request');
//const contextsClient = new dialogflow.createContext(dialogflow.contexts.create)
//const sessionClient = new dialogflow.cli
app.use(function(err, req, res, next){
app.post('/', function (req, res) {
//Instantiate agent
const agent = new WebhookClient({ request: req, response: res });
let intentMap = new Map();
function shuttle(agent){
var toLoc = agent.parameters.to_loc;
var fromLoc = agent.parameters.from_loc;
console.log("From Location: ${fromLoc} To Location ${toLoc}" + fromLoc + "To Location: " + toLoc);
if (toLoc === '' || fromLoc === '') {
if (fromLoc === 'Harvard') {
toLoc = '784';
agent.response_(`You're going from ${fromLoc} to ${toLoc}`);
} else if (fromLoc === 'Central') {
toLoc = '784';
agent.add(`You're going from ${fromLoc} to ${toLoc}`);
} else if (fromLoc === '784'){
agent.addResponse('Where do you want to go? (Harvard, Central)');
} else if (toLoc === 'Harvard') {
fromLoc = '784';
agent.add(`You're going from ${fromLoc} to ${toLoc}`);
} else if (toLoc === 'Central') {
fromLoc = '784'
agent.add(`You're going from ${fromLoc} to ${toLoc}`);
} else if (toLoc === '784'){
agent.response(`Where are you coming from? (Harvard, Central)`);
} else {
agent.add(`Shuttle from ${fromLoc} to ${toLoc} is arriving...`);
intentMap.set('shuttle', shuttle);
module.exports.server = serverless(app);
在将fromLoc与784匹配时,在else if块中,我想再次提示用户询问他们要去哪里,同时仍保留fromLoc变量。如果您需要我重新构造这个问题,我将非常高兴! >