
时间:2019-06-28 19:19:28

标签: javascript html vue.js axios vuetify.js


Here is a JSFiddle so you can edit easily

<v-layout row wrap style="background: white;">
      <v-flex xs12 class="px-3 py-3">

            <v-card class="mt-2 mb-4">
            <h1>Who are the teams that are driving intent, advising, implementation, and are informed of the change(s).</h1>
            <h2 style="color: red">Check all that apply</h2>
            <!-- Checkbox Select Strategy and Analysis Teams -->
              v-for="items in teams"
              :rules="StrategyAndAnalysisRules" required
            <v-layout align-center>
              <v-checkbox v-model="form.CPStrategy" :key="items.text" class="shrink mr-2" label="Other" value="OtherStrategy"  hide-details></v-checkbox>
              <v-text-field hint="Please Specify Other Teams Here"></v-text-field>


import Vue from 'vue'
import { mapActions, mapState, mapGetters } from 'vuex'
import { axios } from '@/plugins/axios'
import PulseLoader from 'vue-spinner/src/PulseLoader.vue'

export default {
  name: 'CP-Intake',
  components: { PulseLoader },

      btn: 'Submit',

      //form input variables inside form object
      form: {
        RequestorName: '',
        RequestorEmail: '@capitalone.com',
        NameOfRequest: '',
        SelectedPrioritizedInitiative: '',
        RequestDescription: '',
        PrimaryIntentTeam: '',
        CPStrategy: [],
        CPProductOpsTeams: [],
        CPTechPods: [],
        CPExternalTeams: [],
        BusinessValue: '',
        TimeCriticality: '',
        RiskReduction: '',


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