
时间:2019-06-28 12:37:14

标签: typescript


type MyAction = Action<'action-type-1'>

export interface Action<T = any> {
  type: T


export const f1 = function f2(action: MyAction): ThunkAction<MyAction, {}, undefined, MyAction> {
  return dispatch => {
    let advance1 = f2(action) // ts knows that advance1 is MyAction
    const result = dispatch(advance1)
    return result


type F1 = (action: MyAction) => ThunkAction<MyAction, {}, undefined, MyAction>
// ts doesn't understand the type of `f2`
export const f1: F1 = function f2(action) {
  return dispatch => {
    let advance1 = f2(action)
    const result = dispatch(advance1)
    return result


155:10 Function implicitly has return type 'any' because it does not have a return type annotation and is referenced directly or indirectly in one of its return expressions.
    153 | type F1 = (action: MyAction) => ThunkAction<MyAction, {}, undefined, MyAction>
    154 | export const f1: F1 = function f2(action) {
  > 155 |   return dispatch => {
        |          ^
    156 |     let advance1 = f2(action)
    157 |     const result = dispatch(advance1)
    158 |     return result

157:11 'result' implicitly has type 'any' because it does not have a type annotation and is referenced directly or indirectly in its own initializer.
    155 |   return dispatch => {
    156 |     let advance1 = f2(action)
  > 157 |     const result = dispatch(advance1)
        |           ^
    158 |     return result
    159 |   }
    160 | }




 * A "thunk" action (a callback function that can be dispatched to the Redux
 * store.)
 * Also known as the "thunk inner function", when used with the typical pattern
 * of an action creator function that returns a thunk action.
 * @template TReturnType The return type of the thunk's inner function
 * @template TState The redux state
 * @template TExtraThunkARg Optional extra argument passed to the inner function
 * (if specified when setting up the Thunk middleware)
 * @template TBasicAction The (non-thunk) actions that can be dispatched.
export type ThunkAction<
  TBasicAction extends Action
> = (
  dispatch: ThunkDispatch<TState, TExtraThunkArg, TBasicAction>,
  getState: () => TState,
  extraArgument: TExtraThunkArg
) => TReturnType;

 * The dispatch method as modified by React-Thunk; overloaded so that you can
 * dispatch:
 *   - standard (object) actions: `dispatch()` returns the action itself
 *   - thunk actions: `dispatch()` returns the thunk's return value
 * @template TState The redux state
 * @template TExtraThunkArg The extra argument passed to the inner function of
 * thunks (if specified when setting up the Thunk middleware)
 * @template TBasicAction The (non-thunk) actions that can be dispatched.
export interface ThunkDispatch<
  TBasicAction extends Action
> {
    thunkAction: ThunkAction<TReturnType, TState, TExtraThunkArg, TBasicAction>
  ): TReturnType;
  <A extends TBasicAction>(action: A): A;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

好的,这里的问题似乎在于f2()返回值中类型的循环性。 TypeScript编译器在不同的“通过”或“阶段”中执行类型推断(根据您对表达式的类型确定类型)和类型检查(根据表达式的类型确定表达式的类型)。何时发生的详细信息超出了我的范围,但是要遵循的经验法则可能是:从类型推断开始,如果编译器推断出意外/不想要的类型(或无法推断出类型),则使用类型注释或类型断言来修复它并获得类型检查,而不是类型推断。


export const f1good = function f2(
  action: MyAction
): ThunkAction<MyAction, {}, undefined, MyAction> {
  return dispatch => {
    let advance1 = f2(action); 
    const result = dispatch(advance1);
    return result;

编译器没有问题,因为函数f2()是完全注释的函数。它的返回类型ThunkAction<MyAction, {}, undefined, MyAction>由您指定。编译器很乐意检查该类型。


type F1 = (action: MyAction) => ThunkAction<MyAction, {}, undefined, MyAction>;

export const f1bad: F1 = function f2(action) {
  return dispatch => {  // error!
    let advance1 = f2(action);
    const result = dispatch(advance1);  // error!
    return result;

发生的事情是不同的。您已经键入了f1bad变量,但没有键入分配给它的f2函数。您依靠类型推断从给定f2的类型中给f1bad适当的类型。这种类型推断被称为“ contextual typing”,因为它从控制流迫切性“向后”运行。我的意思是,在运行代码时,先定义 first f2,然后将 then 分配给f1bad。但是您已经定义了f1bad first 的类型,并希望用它来确定f2的类型。实际上这很好,编译器通常会进行这种上下文类型化。对于您来说不幸的是,这种上下文类型输入的关键部分似乎比对f2本身的一些“时间向前”类型推断要晚一些:

f2的常规类型推断中,根据函数的实现方式推断其参数和返回类型。这就是编译器感到困惑的地方。 f2的返回类型本身就是一个返回result类型的东西的函数。当使用result参数调用时,dispatch的类型被推断为advance1的返回类型。当使用advance1参数调用时,f2参数的类型被推断为action的返回类型。哦,f2的返回类型取决于f2的返回类型。到那时,编译器会放弃,开始为事物分配any,并在您打开--noImplicitAny时警告您(应该)。

这可能被认为是错误或设计限制...我searched处理相关问题。有时将此类问题视为fixable bug,而有时将它们视为unfixable or unlikely-to-be-fixed design limitation。不确定是否存在完全匹配的问题。


export const f1fixed: F1 = function f2(action) {
  return dispatch => {
    let advance1 = f2(action);
    const result: MyAction = dispatch(advance1); // annotate here
    return result;



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