""" Enter your name(s) here
from tkinter import *
class Mapping_for_Tkinter:
def __init__(self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, width):
self.__xmin = xmin
self.__xmax = xmax
self.__ymin = ymin
self.__ymax = ymax
self.__width = width
self.__height = width * ((ymax - ymin) / (xmax - xmin))
def set_xmin(self, xmin):
self.__xmin = xmin
self.__set_height() # update height
def set_xmax(self, xmax):
self.__xmax = xmax
def set_ymin(self, ymin):
self.__ymin = ymin
def set_ymax(self, ymax):
self.__ymax = ymax
def set_width(self, width):
self.__width = width
def __set_height(self): # when changing size, always call this private method
self.__height = self.__width * ((self.__ymax - self.__ymin) / (self.__xmax - self.__xmin))
def get_xmin(self):
return self.__xmin
def get_xmax(self):
return self.__xmax
def get_ymin(self):
return self.__ymin
def get_ymax(self):
return self.__ymax
def get_width(self):
return self.__width
def get_height(self):
return self.__height
def get_x(self, i):
# retval = ((float(X - A) / (B - A)) * (D - C)) + C
# a-b is 0 to width-1
# c-d is xmin to xmax
return ((float(i) / (self.__width - 1)) * (self.__xmax - self.__xmin)) + self.__xmin
def get_y(self, y):
return ((float(y) / (self.__height - 1)) * (self.__ymax - self.__ymin)) + self.__ymin
def get_i(self, x):
# retval = ((float(X - A) / (B - A)) * (D - C)) + C
# a-b is xmin to xmax
# c-d is 0 to width-1
return ((float(x - self.__xmin) / (self.__xmax - self.__xmin)) * (self.__width - 1))
def get_j(self, y):
return ((float(y - self.__ymin) / (self.__ymax - self.__ymin)) * (self.__width - 1))
def __str__(self):
return (str(self.__xmin) + " " + str(self.__xmax) + " " + str(self.__ymin) + " " +
str(self.__ymax) + " " + str(self.__width) + " " + str(self.__height))
""" to complete"""
def main():
m = Mapping_for_Tkinter(-5.0, 5.0, -5.0, 5.0, 500) # instantiate mapping
print(m) # print info about object
window = Tk() # instantiate a tkinter window
canvas = Canvas(window, width=m.get_width(), height=m.get_height(), bg="white") # create a canvas width*height
# create rectangle the Tkinter way
print("Draw rectangle using tkinter coordinates at (100,400) (400,100)")
canvas.create_rectangle(100, 400, 400, 100, outline="black")
# create circle using the mapping
print("Draw circle using math coordinates at center (0,0) with radius 3")
canvas.create_oval(m.get_i(-3.0), m.get_j(-3.0), m.get_i(3.0), m.get_j(3.0), outline="blue")
# create y=x line pixel by pixel using the mapping
print("Draw line math equation y=x pixel by pixel using the mapping")
for i in range(m.get_width()):
x = m.get_x(i) # obtain the x coordinate
y = x
canvas.create_rectangle((m.get_i(x), m.get_j(y)) * 2, outline="green")
window.mainloop() # wait until the window is closed
if __name__ == "__main__":